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Fast 'n' Furious

These rules are written specifically to enjoy Skirmish scale ancient warfare simulation played with all the new 1/72 or 25-28mm ships, engines and figures available today, and designed to cover roughly from 3000 BC to 1400 AD. As well as classic field battles these rules also allow for opposed landing actions and ancient siege operations, as even in ancient times many actions included landings and were directed to assault a fortified site. The emphasis is on fast, simple and enjoyable basic mechanics, suitable for games with many players, but which produce accurate results in harmony with actual historical tactics. These “basic rules” form a solid structure on which additional complexity and detail can be built on. A Victory Points system is included and allows to determine a result regardless the number of actual players or how long a game lasts, and also covers basic looting that was always so important in ancient as well as in modern times!
Fast 'n' Furious introduction

Year Published
In Print
Available online (via fandfskirmish Yahoo! Group) (24-page PDF)
We use standard DBx based figures for ease of gathering, the number of figures on a base also being a convenient way to differentiate troop classes. The game scale anyway is 1:1 with each figure representing a man, and each base a small squad acting as a single unit.
Fast 'n' Furious introduction


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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian receives a gift from his wife…

This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 6 November 2016. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 6 November 2016.

2,625 hits since 12 Nov 2016
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Fast 'n' Furious

AKA DBS (De Bellis Skirmish)


Current version is 1.2

A 'Basic Rules' version is also available.