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A Game of Fire and Ice

A Game of Fire and Ice allows you to recreate both Historical and Fantistorical battles and campaigns set in the medieval period. You can create an army from your favourite fantasy book, television series or movie or, if you, prefer from history. A campaign system lets you and your friends take the command of a great house and battle for the throne of mythical Westerlands or historical England in the War of the Roses.

Starting with the Basic Game it features a programmed learning system with scenarios after each rule section. The Basic Game contains all you will need to recreate a typical medieval battle. After you have mastered the basics, the Advanced Game adds Crossbows, Longbows, Poleaxes and variations on armor and formation. Finally the Fantistorical section adds Heroes, Dragons, Mages and Undead, so that you can bring to life any fantasy setting with a medieval background.

The game uses a variation on popular quick play mechanics which allow you to fight an entire campaign in a series of linked battles in a single afternoon. This volume includes The Battle for the Throne campaign system and complete orders of battles for a campaigns set in mythical Westerlands, England during the War of the Roses and an alternative history campaign featuring exiled Lancastrians, Spanish Conquistadors, the Aztec Empire, a Native American Confederation and a Viking Colony all battling for control of the New World.

The campaign system and orders of battle are designed to be generic enough for use with virtually any game system designed for medieval warfare.

– catalog listing

Thomas J. Thomas
Fame and Glory Games
In Print
Available online (Wargame Vault) (70-page PDF)

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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 23 November 2016. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 23 November 2016.

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A Game of Fire and Ice

Fantistorical Gaming in a Medieval World

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