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Song of Blades and Heroes

Song of Blades and Heroes is an exciting set of fast play fantasy rules that can be played with your existing miniatures.
  • EASY: simple rules that you learn in one game;
  • EASY MEASURING: no counting inches or centimeters: SBH uses three measuring sticks to measure all distances;
  • FAST: A game lasts 30-45 minutes. Play a mini campaign in a single evening;
  • INEXPENSIVE:5-10 models per player are needed;
  • CONVENIENT: a 3’x 3’ play area (for 28mm figures) is enough. Bring all your armies in a shoebox!
  • MULTI-SCALE: any single based miniature, in any scale;
  • Standard Six sided dice only;
  • READY TO PLAY: 180+ monsters and heroes included, and you can create your own!
  • CAMPAIGN RULES: your warband grows more powerful after every battle;
  • Six scenarios included.
– publisher's listing

Andrea Sfiligoi
Ganesha Games
Year Published
In Print
Available online (Wargame Downloads) (65-page PDF)

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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 13 November 2016. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 25 November 2016.

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Song of Blades and Heroes

Fantasy Miniatures Skirmish Rules

Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star no star no star no star (7.35)
Total Votes: 14


Current version is the Revised Edition.

Also available in Italian, French, German and Spanish.


Song of Deeds and Glory

Song of Deeds and Glory
Song of Deeds and Glory is an expansion for the popular Song of Blades and Heroes miniatures rules. It features all the rules and guidelines needed to run extended campaigns, taking warriors from green recruits to grizzled veterans. Now players can send their warbands on the path to conquest and carve out their own territories!

This book includes rules such as:
  • Territories: own land, defend it from usurpers, or launch raids on your neighbors
  • Scenarios: a multitude of new combat situations
  • The aftermath of battle: will your heroes live or be horribly crippled?
  • Exploration: find strange and useful treasure and visit exotic, dangerous locales
  • Shopping: use your warband's hard-earned gold to purchase the finest gear or hire the services of experts
  • Development: watch your characters grow as they survive new battles. Boost their stats, train them in new skills, or send them on personal quests
  • Special rules: 15 exciting new powers such as Immortal, Enchanter, and Illusionist
  • Rosters: 36 new creatures such as the Minotaur Skeleton, the Dwarf Gunner, Insectoids, Automatons, and the powerful Kryxxtendrella, Queen of Dragons!
– catalog listing

40-page PDF - available online (Wargame Downloads)

Song of Gold and Darkness

Song of Gold and Darkness
Treasure and danger await in the depths of the Earth. Will you dare enter the Dungeon? Song of Gold and Darkness is the first expansion for the Song of Blades and Heroes fantasy skirmish rules. It includes complete rules for dungeon adventuring such as: Rules clarifications and expansions; 11 new Terrain types; 18 new Special rules for your models; four new warband advances; Necromancers, Sorcerers and Summoners; rules for treasure, climbing, bashing down doors, lock picking, traps, light and darkness, movement and combat; potions, magic clothes, magic weapons and jewelry; four dungeon scenarios; guidelines for solo dungeons; rosters for 156 new monsters and warriors, including Dark Dwarves, Dark Elves, Hobgoblins, Snakemen, Giants, Angels, Demons, Were Creatures, and classic dungeon dwellers such as Brain Devourers, Eye Monsters and Gargoyles.
– catalog listing

36-page PDF. Also available in Italian and Spanish. Available online (Wargame Downloads)

Song of Wind and Water

Song of Wind and Water
Song of Wind and Water, the second supplement for the Song of Blades and Heroes fantasy miniature rules, brings the forces of Nature to your tabletop. With simple weather rules, new terrain types and special abilities, your battles will never look the same again.

New Terrain: bogs, swamps, quicksand, desert, lakes, rivers, ruins, witch woods, thick vegetation, snow, bladegrass, sleepflowers, stickyweeds, suspended bridges and teleport fields.

6 Precursor Artifacts, 19 new abilities, 2 scenarios, shieldwall and rally rules, FAQ, 98 new profiles including Nymphs, Frogfolk, Apemen, Plant-Men, Desert Nomads, Dinosaurs, Orcs and Goblins,Manticores, Pegasi, Hydras, Sasquatch, Yeti, Griffins, Catoblepas, Cyclopses and Hippogryphs

– catalog listing

32-page PDF. Available online (Wargame Downloads)