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Mighty Armies: Fantasy

Mighty Armies is also meant to be a fun, fast-paced, easy-to-play game using 15mm scale figures.
Mighty Armies credits page

Michael Renegar, Matthew Sprange
Rebel Minis
In Print
43-page rulebook, in print or PDF (Wargame Downloads)
Designed for use with 15mm figures
Uses 1" x 2" and 2" x 2" bases

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Science Fiction

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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 11 November 2016. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 24 November 2016.

4,469 hits since 14 Nov 2016
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Mighty Armies: Fantasy
Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star no star no star no star (7.00)
Total Votes: 8


Mighty Armies 1st edition

The rules were originally published by Mongoose Publishing, and came as a 16-page digest-sized booklet packed with the official army boxed sets.

The rules are currently on second edition.

Also available in French.


Mighty Armies: The Black Sea Pirates

The Black Sea Pirates
Mighty Armies: The Black Sea Pirates is a reference book for playing Pirates in the fantasy world of Mighty Armies. This book contains army lists, spells, abilities, and scenarios for playing the dreaded Black Sea Pirates.
The Black Sea Pirates back cover

Mighty Armies: The Dark Elves

Dark Elves
Mighty Armies: The Dark Elves is a reference book for playing Dark Elves in the fantasy world of Mighty Armies. This book contains army lists, spells, abilities, and scenarios for playing the feared Dark Elves!
The Dark Elves back cover

Death From Above: Flying Units in Mighty Armies

Death From Above

Rules and stats for flying creatures. 6-page PDF (Wargame Downloads)

Mighty Armies: Armies in the Age of Magic

Age of Magic
To help players build their armies quickly and make this as smooth a plug and play experience as we can we’ve worked up an extensive list of generic armies. These are just Suggestions! Some of these can be fielded using our line of minis, some with one of our competitors. Some might need extensive kit bashing, customizing or moding to match the entries in this list. As a wargamer who’s done his fair share of mods with varying results, I wish you luck and better results than some of my efforts. Ask me about my 28 mm space elf cheerleaders some time or the 15mm map I spread over my WWII jeep using colored sharpies and toilet paper.
Armies in the Age of Magic page 3

48-page PDF

Mighty Armies: The Army Lists for the Golden Age of Mars

Golden Age of Mars
The Army Lists are intended to assist players in designing balanced and realistic scenarios based on the planet Mars as depicted in classic Victorian literature. The armies and in fact the scenarios that will no doubt be played out using them are not designed for the hard science fiction genres, but for more of a romanticized view of Mars as seen by the Victorian era. This is the Mars of HG Wells, Jules Verne and CS Lewis, it’s not the MARS of Ray Bradbury or Robert Heinlein and it sure as heck isn’t Philip K Dick or Greg Bear’s Mars. But enough literary references, this is the romanticized era of a dying planet being discovered by the vibrant young cultures of its nearest neighbor.
The Army Lists for the Golden Age of Mars page 5

25-page PDF

Mighty Armies: Army Lists for the Old West

Army Lists for the Old West
These army lists are intended to assist players in designing balanced and realistic scenarios based on the American West. Mighty Armies is a wargame of massed combat and the majority of massed combat in the old west was conducted between the US cavalry, Mexican Federal Army and native Indian warbands. There are lists for settlers, cowhands, gunslingers and such so you’ll be able to field a number of different armies, even ones that would not be that common.
Army Lists for the Old West page 5

15-page PDF

Official website