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These are the fantasy miniatures rules from the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D) game system. Armies of humans, elves, goblins, and other fantasy races meet in war, reinforced by allied dragons, heroes, wizards, and rare monsters. Fast-playing, easy-to-learn system.

Douglas Niles
Wizards of the Coast
Year Published
In Print
Available online (PDF format)
Tactical. Ground scale is 1" = 10 yards. Each figure represents 10 soldiers of that type. Time scale not stated.
Designed for use with 25mm figures. Typically 3 figures to a base (for large figures, 2 per base), though you'll need 2-figure and single-figure bases for certain maneuvers and to reflect losses. Base sizes vary depending on size of figure, from 15mm x 45mm (3 goblins) to 40mm x 80mm (2 giants).

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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 13 February 1997. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 22 October 2016.

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Miniatures Rules

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The second edition of Battlesystem is markedly different from the first (1985) edition – much of the record keeping has been eliminated, combat has been simplified and the combat results table revamped, and the number of spells has been reduced considerably. A referee is no longer required.

All that aside, what is Battlesystem? This is a game which can fit directly into an existing AD&D fantasy role-playing campaign, and when in the course of the story a major battle occurs, the players can transition directly to these rules. The players might include their own characters as heroes in the battle, or their characters might even be commanders or local lords. In addition, Battlesystem can be played as a fantasy battle game unconnected with any campaign – a point system allows opponents to easily design scenarios and create custom armies from the provided troop types.

The game is divided into three sections – the Basic Game, the Intermediate Game, and the Advanced Game. Players can begin at any level, and progress to the more complicated rules over time.

The Basic Game

Each turn is made up of these phases:

Charge Declarations Players announce which stands will attempt to charge this turn. No charges allowed on the first turn.
Initiative Determination Players roll dice to determine which has the initiative. Charging units provide a bonus. The player with initiative decides who will be the First Player this turn.
First Movement The First Player may move his units. Charging units must move first. Missile units may take opportunity fire. Morale rolls may be made to rally shaken or routed troops. The opposing player may attempt opportunity charges.
Second Movement As per previous phase, but for the Second Player.
Melee Combat Hand to hand combat is now resolved, with players alternating in selecting which combats to resolve next. Units may attack if their bases are in contact with an enemy unit.
Missile Combat Players alternate selecting their artillery and missile units and resolving attacks. Missile units which attacked during movement might be eligible to attack again.

Units, Formations, and Movement. Stands are grouped into units of various sizes. The rules provide minimum figure requirements, as well as a recommended range. For instance, a unit of human-sized infantry must consist of at least 6 figures (two 3-figure stands), and the suggested size is between 12 and 36 figures.

Units are either in regular formation (all bases touching) or irregular formation (all bases spaced slightly apart). A unit in regular formation may also slip into column formation, a special grouping which allows for faster movement. The width or frontage of a unit can be changed during battle, though troops in irregular formation have limitations to this ability.

Movement is unit-based. Each unit of figures has a base movement rating, which can be used both for straight movement and for maneuvers. In order to make a turn, for instance, a unit would need to either use a wheeling maneuver or execute a facing change (such as a right-face maneuver). Units may also form squares, or use wraparound movement to surround their foes.

Terrain reduces a unit's ability to move. The rules provide for woods (light or dense), water (deep, shallow or swampy), roads and trails, rough/rocky, brush/scrub, obstacles (such as walls, hedges and ditches), and changes in elevation.

Before a unit is moved, the player must announce what his intentions are. He must then go through with his move, even if he can't accomplish what he thought he could. For instance: A player declares he is moving his unit to attack an enemy unit, but discovers that his unit doesn't have enough movement to get there this phase. He must still move as far as the unit will go in that direction.

During either Movement Phase, missile units (i.e. archers) may attack if they are not in direct contact with an enemy unit. Units which fire suffer a 50% movement penalty (exception: horse archers).

Before a charge can take place, the unit must succeed at a morale roll (see below) – if it fails, the charge does not take place. Units which charge receive a 50% movement bonus. They may spend a small portion of their initial movement on maneuvering, but must then move in a straight line toward their target. Units which find they cannot reach their target this phase automatically become shaken. Charged units lose their movement this phase, if they have not already moved. Targets of a charge must start beyond a minimum distance from the charging unit. Any unit can charge.

Opportunity charges are much like normal charges, but they take place during the other player's Move Phase and do not need to be declared in advance. Such a charge can only be declared against a target unit which has moved, changed facing, or is about to move. Infantry cannot make opportunity charges against cavalry.

Melee and Missile Combat. Combat, like movement, is unit-based. The procedures for melee and missile combat are essentially the same, with this exception: in melee combat, two units are attacking and the results are simultaneous; in missile combat, the attacks are made one at a time and the results are immediate.

As a general rule, the player gets to roll one attack dice per attacking figure in the attacking unit. The type of dice depends on the creatures composing the unit. The Combat Results Table translates the die roll into hits scored – in the range of 0-4 hits per attack die.

The opposing player then rolls one die for each hit, and compares the result against his unit's armor rating. Any result equal to or greater than the armor rating negates that hit (it didn't penetrate the armor).

Enemy losses depend upon the total number of hits scored and the number of hits which each figure in the unit can withstand. Excess hits remain on the unit, and must be considered when the unit next takes damage. For instance, if a unit composed of 3-hit dwarves is attacked and receives 8 hits of damage, two dwarf figures must be taken as casualties (2 x 3 = 6) and an additional 2 points remains on the unit as a whole.

In melee combat, not every figure in the unit may be able to participate in an attack. For troops in irregular formation, only those figures actually in contact may attack. Regular formation allows adjacent figures to fight, and properly equipped figures in other ranks may also attack (i.e. spears and pikes).

Benefits apply in melee combat if the unit is attacking its enemy from the rear, if it has weapons with longer reach than its enemy (i.e. pikes and halberds), or if it is composed of larger creatures than a similarly-armed enemy. Terrain and elevation may provide armor rating benefits, but being attacked by the flank or rear results in armor rating penalties. Charging units receive a bonus to their attack dice; so do defenders properly armed and set to receive a charge (i.e. pikemen).

Figures may engage in missile combat if the target is in front of them, in range, and if there is a line of sight. Figures more than two ranks deep in their unit cannot fire. All figures in the unit measure range from the front-center of the formation. Units block line of sight, except friendly units which are not too close. Elevation provides a range bonus. Ammunition is kept track of only in the case of rare or unusual missiles.

Attacks at medium or long range receive a penalty to the attack roll. Firing over friendly units or through limited visibility (i.e. smoke and walls) also results in a penalty. The target receives armor rating penalties for being at a lower elevation or being composed of large creatures.

Morale. Each unit has a morale rating, based on the troop type of which it is composed. A die roll against this rating – a morale check – must be made at certain times in the game: when a unit takes its first loss or heavy losses, when near a routed unit of higher base morale, or when about to receive a charge. A unit in good morale status may choose to retreat instead of making the morale check (unless it is being charged) – it remains in good morale.

A unit which fails a morale check becomes shaken. Shaken units are unwilling to engage the enemy, must stop moving if hit by opportunity fire, and receive a penalty to all morale checks.

If a shaken unit is forced to make a morale check and fails, it must attempt a second morale check. If this check fails as well, the unit is now routed. (In addition, any unit may become routed if it fails a morale check by a very large margin.) A routed unit must immediately flee from the enemy. In future turns, it must try a rally roll (see below) – if it fails, it must flee further away. Routed units cannot attack.

Size of the unit acts as a bonus to morale rolls, depending on how many ranks there are. A unit at half strength or less has a morale penalty.

Rallying attempts are made during the Move Phase. For shaken units, rallying is optional and prevents the unit from moving. A morale check is made – if successful, the unit is no longer shaken; there is no penalty for failing this morale roll. Routed units must try to rally every turn – if successful, they become shaken; if they fail, they must flee from the enemy. Units which flee off the tabletop are out of play.

Scenarios and Battles. The Basic Rules conclude with three scenarios:

The King Will Come
While the young Prince Dirkly was traveling abroad, his treacherous uncle Filanor has seized the throne. Now Dirkly has mustered an army and is ready to contend with his uncle for the kingdom. Two human armies battle near a river bridge. Roughly 80 figures per side.
The Marching Horde
A goblin army (with a contingent of allied orcs) is posed to seize the fertile lowlands from the civilized folk who dwell there (elves, dwarves, halflings, and centaurs). Takes place near a lake, with rolling hills and some forest. Roughly 70 figures/side.
Attack From The Swamp
Creatures from the swamplands (lizardmen, with ogre and troll allies) are marching into the lands of the civilized peoples (humans, dwarves, elves, and halflings). The human army has the advantage of setting up behind a wall. Roughly 60 figures/side.

Using the appendices, players may also design their own scenarios using a point system. Scores are given for 17 races and 11 animals, many of which are divided into several troop types. (Orcs, for instance, are available as normal soldiers, as shortbowmen, and as crossbowmen. Humans are the most prolific type, with 21 troop varieties.) In addition, many of the troop types can be modified by adding weapons for a slight point cost. (For instance, any monster troop type can be given a spear for a cost of 1 point.)

Normally both players receive equal numbers of scenario points. However, a player who receives the benefit of a fortification must give his opponent a large point bonus. Similarly, a player receives a bonus if his opponent designs the tabletop.

The Intermediate Game

These rules are brief, consisting of a series of rules modules which players can use or not use at their discretion.

Skirmishers. Skirmish units may now be formed. Such units consist of individually mounted figures which remain widely separated on the battlefield. Skirmishers are more maneuverable than other troops, and can move more swiftly across certain types of terrain. Skirmishers may use a special form of movement, skirmisher withdrawal, which occurs during enemy movement. However, skirmish units are very light, and may not be able to stop a charging enemy.

Battle Platforms. Chariots, elephants, and battle beasts are introduced to the game system. One rider must guide the animal(s); the others can engage in normal combat.

New Formations. Units in regular formation may now use the following special formations: Shield Wall, which offers a bonus to armor rating while penalizing movement; Pike Block, which allows a pike-armed unit to move and still receive the "set to meet a charge" bonus; and Mixed Lines, which allows a unit of troops armed with both missile and melee weapons to place missile-armed troops in the rear of the formation and to attack with them.

Heroes. Unlike other figures in the game, a hero figure represents an individual (not ten soldiers). Heroes can be attached to units, or they can move using the same abilities as skirmishers. During battle, opposing heroes can challenge one another to Heroic Combat – such combat results in morale modifiers to nearby units. The rules suggest allowing only one hero per every two units on a side. The appendix provides rules for adapting AD&D characters to Battlesystem.

Commanders. A special form of hero, a commander is the individual in charge of a unit or an army. Each commander has a command diameter, which determines which of his units or figures are "in command." Units not in command move at half speed, may not conduct charges, cannot change frontage, and (if shaken) cannot attempt to rally. Figures out of command may only roll half their attack dice. Some commanders also have a charisma bonus, which aids the morale of units in command.

Discipline. Certain creatures (including all chaotic creatures) are impulsive and may take actions despite their player's wishes. If an undisciplined unit has an enemy in charge range, for instance, it must charge unless it succeeds at its discipline roll. Similarly, an undisciplined unit which fails its discipline roll will pursue a retreating or routing enemy.

Other rules introduced in the Intermediate Game are:

Forced March allows a unit to move farther, at the penalty of making a morale check afterwards.
Firearms Primitive arquebusses are introduced.
Dismounted Cavalry Horsemen may now get off their mounts to fight.
Splitting Missile Fire a unit may now fire at multiple targets.
Facing Penalties attacks from flank or rear only provide armor rating penalties for figures directly affected.

Scenarios. The Intermediate Game provides these pre-generated battles:

Border Skirmish
The King's Army finds itself between a orc/goblin army on a hilltop and an army of reinforcements across the river. If they can take and hold the bridge, they can prevent the monsters from uniting. About 90 figures/side.
Clash in the Clearing
Lord Fallwick is tired of raids from the forest people, and leads a strong army into the forestlands. This battle pits humans, elves and dwarves against orcs and goblins. About 80 figures/side.
The Black and Red Princes have gone to war, and their armies are very dissimilar. The Red Prince has a handful of arquebussiers, as well as pikemen and halberdiers. The Black Prince's army has an advantage in heavy cavalry and horse archers. About 60 figures/side.

The Advanced Game

The Advanced Rules consist of a number of optional rules modules, as well as the Magic Rules. The optional rules include:

  • Flying Creatures
  • Undead Creatures
  • Animal Packs
  • Fortifications and Fortresses (including room-to-room battles)
  • War Machines and Siege Towers
  • Attacking with Fire

Magic. Battlefield magic consists of the inherent abilities of special creatures (such as dragons), and the spell casting abilities of certain heroes (those who are wizards and clerics).

The rules in this section cover five inherent magical abilities, 18 wizardly spells, and 14 clerical spells. Players desiring more magic may use the rules in the appendix to bring AD&D characters directly into play, with all of their abilities. However, this will require the use of a referee, and is recommended only when a battle is connected with a role-playing campaign.

Scenarios. These battles can be found in the Advanced Game:

The King's Last Stand
An assassination attempt failed, and good King Weaver has fled to his manor house in the countryside. Treacherous Prince Boris now approaches with his army. Can Boris take the fortified house? Pits about 80 figures against 25.
Army From Beyond the Grave
The evil Dark Mahon has united the Undead of the swamp, and the dwarven army of Graybrow must march to stop them. The dwarves have a special weapon – their steam cannon. About 100 figures/side.
Assault on Dragon Peak
The White Wizard and his allies have come to battle the Red and White Dragons. The dragons have orcs, manticores, and hobgoblins to help them; the Wizard comes with a cleric hero, elves mounted on hippogriffs, and human and halfling soldiers. About 40 figures/side.


Originally published by TSR.

First edition was a boxed set.

Second edition was originally published as an 128-page rulebook. The back cover folded out, and doubleed as a Reference Card. Lavishly illustrated with photographs from battles. Included guide to painting miniatures. Published 1989.


Battlesystem Skirmishes

This product was not a supplement for Battlesystem, but rather a complementary system for fighting smaller-level battles (1 figure = 1 man).



Strictly speaking, this is not a Battlesystem supplement. However, this campaign setting for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons includes rules involving characters in kingdom politics – and that's one way to generate battles to be resolved with Battlesystem.

The Campaign Setting: The basic premise is that the gods were destroyed in a titanic battle, and that their powers have been passed in diluted form to those characters who are Blooded. The Blooded folk have enhanced abilities to rule. Other than this, the land of Cerilia is your typical medieval fantasy world - inhabited by men, elves, dwarves, halflings, goblins, ogres (but no orcs!). Players are expected to take roles on the side of Good.

The Campaign System: The new rules create a mega-turn - the Domain Turn - which is played between and around normal adventures. The Domain Turn is when those players who rule lands, guilds, or temples do their governing. They exercise power by spending money, Regency Points,, and by using a limited number of Actions. When military activities occur, they can be resolved using normal AD&D combat, or the medium-scale skirmish rules in these rules, or can be fought using War Cards and a BattleMat (i.e., a boardgaming system).

Note that the Campaign System can be used independently of the Campaign Setting, though the rules give you no help in doing so. There are also brief rules for creating your own kingdoms, instead of using the pre-generated ones which are part of Cerilia. In other words, you could transplant this campaign system to any AD&D campaign of your own.

Using Battlesystem to resolve battles from a Birthright campaign looks fairly straightforward, as all the Birthright units have corresponding units under Battlesystem. The reverse is not the case – there are many troop types in Battlesystem which have no equivalent in Birthright, though it wouldn't be hard to figure out how to convert the stats into Birthright's simpler system.

Boxed set included:

  • 96-page rules booklet
  • 32-page Atlas of Cerilia booklet [player's guide]
  • 96-page Ruins of Empire booklet [DM's guide]
  • 4-panel DM's screen
  • 2 poster maps showing the lands of Cerilia
  • Battle Mat [poster]
  • 112 War Cards
  • folding War Chest [card storage]
  • 12 full-size reference cards

Published in 1995. Designed by Rich Baker, Colin McComb.



This product – not to be confused with a previous TSR product, The Castle Guide – is a "three-dimensional game accessory." Included are new rules for siege warfare, background material for several campaigns, and a set of fold-up walls, buildings, and siege equipment. Published 1990. Written by David "Zeb" Cook, Jeff Grubb, Bruce Naismith.

Suited for use with 25mm figures. (Could be used with 15mm figures as well, if the too-large size of the windows and doors doesn't bother you.)

Contents of the boxed set:

  • Darkhold, 48-page adventure for the Forgotten Realms setting
  • Drungar, 48-page adventure for the DragonLance setting
  • Hart, 48-page adventure for the Greyhawk setting
  • A poster-sized castle map is provided for each of the three adventures
  • three posters (featuring the cover art from the three enclosed adventure booklets)
  • many three-dimensional fold-up accessories
Fold-up accessories

The above picture – taken from the back cover of the Castles box – amply depicts the range of items found in this product:

  • 16 2"-tall Stone Walls pieces (1" wide, from 3-5" long)
  • 27 2"-tall Stone Towers (from 2" x 2" to 3" x 4")
  • four 2"-tall Wooden Towers (used for the "camp" scenario in the Drungar adventure)
  • two peaked-roof buildings (almost 3" tall)
  • a gatehouse

Plus these accessories (providing variety when added to the basic structures listed above):

  • 51 battlement pieces (crenelations)
  • six rooftops
  • five doors
  • five windows
  • a drawbridge

And these field fortifications:

  • two siege towers
  • 15 barriers (sharpened stakes)
  • 15 fieldworks (earthworks)
  • one catapult
  • one bombard
  • two rams
  • one bore
  • five ballistae
  • five espringal

Many of the items require construction, and some have more than one part. All items are made of paper. White glue is required. With care, however, there should be no problem in putting these pieces together.


Here is a close-up of the catapult, one of the 3D accessories in this boxed set. The art is representative of that used for the buildings and other items. The sides fold in to form the final catapult.

When complete, the basic structures can be stacked to form taller walls or large, complex buildings (like those at the rear of the photo).

The buildings have been designed so that they are foldable, making storage more convenient. The illustration below, from left to right, shows how a sample building and tower fold for storage.

Folding buildings

The pieces provided in this boxed set are sufficient to create a small castle, or a portion of a larger castle.

Published 1990 by TSR. Designed by Jeff Grubb, David "Zeb" Cook, Bruce Nesmith.



The majority of this book provides background information about the immense castle called Darkhold, home of the evil Zhentarim:

  • 2 pages of history
  • 11 pages describing residents of the castle
  • 2 pages detailing the military units of Darkhold
  • 11 pages of castle description

Schemes and Scenarios. Schemes are adventure ideas, which the GM could use for a role-playing campaign. The major scheme involves Affordable Castles, in which adventurers have the chance to contract for new castle construction at a discount rate (and there's a catch, of course).

Also provided are six "adventure nuggets" – quick ideas for adventures in this setting.

Three Battlesystem scenarios are also provided (including the required rosters):

Decision at Darkhold
Recreates the original conquest of Darkhold by the Zhentarim. The "abandoned" fortress is inhabited by a lich-queen and her minions.
Against the Walls
In this "sand table exercise," the Master of Darkhold seeks to discover what would happen if King Azoun IV of Cormyr were to assault the perimeter wall of the Zhentarim stronghold.
Blood on the Keep
Continuing the last scenario, the Cormyrian forces enter the valley and attack the Zhentarim castle itself.

A Campaign Scenario allows the last two scenarios to be combined. This is a large multi-day scenario, not a Campaign Game in the sense of the new rules in the Drungar booklet.

The poster-sized color battlemap provided in the Castles boxed set can be used for both the first and third scenarios.



The Drungar booklet is the best of both worlds – a major rules expansion for the Battlesystem game system, and a ready-to-play Battlesystem campaign.

The Campaign Game. A new concept is introduced – the map game. When playing the map game, forces are moved on a map rather than on the tabletop, and each campaign turn represents four days.

The Campaign Turn consists of these steps:

  • Random Events Phase
  • Orders Phase (players write orders for their troops)
  • Execution Phase (referee moves troops)
  • Battle Phase (if troops meet, battles are resolved using the normal Battlesystem rules)
  • Defeat Phase (retreated armies fall back)
  • Siege Phase (supplies are used, walls are battered)
  • Refitting and Stockpiling Phase

The rules allow players to give a variety of orders to their forces, including:

  • Move
  • Forced March
  • Patrol
  • Prepare Defense
  • Attack
  • Hasty Attack (allows a unit to both move and attack in the same campaign turn)
  • Besiege
  • Defend
  • Hold
  • Refit (replace lost soldiers)
  • Stockpile (gather supplies)

The campaign map is broken into Areas, connected by lines (roads and trails). Area-based movement simplifies matters when campaigning, as players don't quibble over the exact number of miles marched.

When a battle occurs, the rules indicate how to generate the tabletop terrain. The results of the battle are also factored back into the greater Campaign Game.

Field Fortifications Rules. The field fortification rules allow troops to prepare defenses prior to battle. Soldiers can now construct ditches, walls, pits, ramparts, barriers of stakes. With a little extra effort, these defenses can be concealed.

Siege Rules. The new siege rules (5 pages) cover siege morale, surrender, starvation, gates, grapples, siege towers, moats, mining (beneath the walls), and siege engines (i.e., catapults, trebuchets, and so forth).

Expanded Troop Rules. The Drungar supplement also provides specific rules for Undead with regard to siege operations, as well as expanded rules for Minotaurs.

Expanded Magic Rules. Five pages provide descriptions of additional magic spells not previously converted to the Battlesystem game system, as well as rules for eight magical items which can be used in combat.

Game Errata. This booklet also includes one page of corrections for the original Battlesystem rules.

The Drungar Campaign. This campaign is set in the DragonLance setting, on the continent of Taladas, in southern Hosk. The Minotaur League and Thenol have come into conflict.

Provided in this adventure package are:

  • the Drungar Campaign Map (in center of the booklet)
  • poster-sized color map (provides 4 maps, including detailed terrain map, two castle maps, and map of a camp)
  • three pages describing Fortress Drungar
  • seven pages of rosters
  • nine pages describing heroes and leaders
  • two pages of special Random Events for this campaign

The included scenarios are:

The Advance of XIV Legion
Rival forces collide in the vicinity of a river ford, in the days when Lord Drungar's Legion first entered this region. The Thenolite forces outnumber the Legion forces, but the Thenolite lords are quarrelsome (which makes it difficult for them to coordinate their units).
The Building of Fortress Drungar
Before Lord Drungar can complete construction of his new castle, the Thenolite forces attack.
The Grand Campaign
This scenario allows players to use the new Campaign Game rules. There are roles for up to nine players on both sides. Fortress Drungar has been complete for many years, and the time for Thenol to strike back has come.



The majority of this book provides background information about Castle Hart, a star-shaped fortress in Greyhawk's kingdom of Furyondy:

  • 3 pages of history and background
  • 6 pages providing an overview of the castle's buildings
  • 22 pages detailing the castle's interior, room by room
  • 10 pages of character descriptions
  • color poster-map with 3D-perspective map of the castle

Three scenarios (6 pages, including rosters) are provided for Castle Hart:

Raiders Across the Veng
Raiding hobgoblins ambush a retaliatory force of soldiers and militia sent by Count Soran of Castle Hart. The human troops are marching down a road leading into a forest and across a river.
Sortie of Sir William
The hobgoblins have surrounded Castle Hart, but their siege equipment has not yet caught up with them. The defending knights have two chances to "sortie" from the castle, and must drive their besiegers off.
The Great Siege
This is a huge battle, suggested for 8 players on 2 teams. The hobgoblins must assault Castle Hart.

The Castle Guide

Castle Guide

A complete system for the design and construction of castles, new Battlesystem rules for the resolution of sieges, a quick resolution system for massive military campaigns, and an assortment of generic castles. The siege rules in the Castles boxed set are based on the more complete rules in this book.

Published 1990. Designed by Grant Boucher, Troy Christensen, Arthur Collins, and Nigel Findley, with Timothy B. Brown and William W. Connors.

Cities of Mystery

Cities of Mystery

Contained 33 full-color cardstock model buildings. Included rules for setting up urban encounters, but nothing specifically for Battlesystem except the useful building models. Written by Jean Rabe. Published 1989.

Dark Sun: Black Spine

Black Spine

DSE2 adventure. Uses Battlesystem for defense of a slave tribe encampment. Written by Walter Baas, Dustin Browder, Tom Prusa, and Jonathan Tweet. Published 1994.

Dark Sun: Freedom


Adventure in which players begin as slaves. Uses Battlesystem for the riots. Written by David "Zeb" Cook. Published 1991.

Dark Sun: Dragon Kings

Dragon Kings

Dragon Kings was a supplement for the Dark Suns campaign setting, providing rules for advanced characters and their powers. However, it also includes a few items of interest to Battlesystem players:

Pages 18-23
Army lists for the Dark Sun setting, including stats for 10 monsters. Notes on using psionics in Battlesystem.
Pages 24-34
Rules for war vehicles (chariots, rams, gliders, giant Undead beetles, skimmers) in Battlesystem. Includes tactical advice.

160-page hardback book. Written by Timothy B. Brown. Published 1992.

Dark Sun: Road to Urik

Road to Urik

Adventure sequel to Freedom. Players gather an army to defend the city. Uses Battlesystem Written by David "Zeb" Cook. Published 1992.

The Glory of Rome Campaign Sourcebook

Glory of Rome

Fifth book in the Historical Reference series. Includes material on using Battlesystem for a military-themed Roman campaign. Written by David L. Pulver. Published 1993.

Forgotten Realms: Gold & Glory

Gold & Glory

Sourcebook describes the mercenary companies of the Forgotten Realms, with Battlesystem stats. Written by Tim Beach. Published 1992.

Forgotten Realms: Horde Campaign

Horde Campaign

Tracked the Horde's assault on the Forgotten Realms battle by battle, with Battlesystem stats. Written by Curtis M. Scott. Published 1991.

Forgotten Realms: Hordes of Dragonspear

Hordes of Dragonspear

Second adventure in the Forgotten Realms: Quest series of adventures. For use with Battlesystem. Published in 1992. Written by William W. Connors.

The Golden Khan of Ethengar

Golden Khan

12th gazetteer for Basic D&D. Includes Battlesystem stats for the Khans' hordes. Published in 1989. Written by Jim Bambra.



This product consisted of a 16-page book, 30 cardstock sheets of fold-up buildings, and three full-color fold-out maps. Contents republished from previous supplements. Published 1992.

Tome of Magic

Tome of Magic

Originally published 1991 by TSR as a hardback supplement for AD&D. The Battlesystem-specific magic spells are limited to the Cleric Spells section, with most being located within the War Sphere. The spells within the War Sphere are almost entirely in Battlesystem format, and are really only applicable, as written, for Battlesystem games, not the RPG rules; to use them in an RPG, the DM will need to translate them into RPG format (which takes a little thought processing to accomplish). Written by David "Zeb" Cook, Nigel Findley, Anthony Herring, Christopher Kubasik, Carl Sargent, and Rick Swan. Not to be confused with the later Tome of Magic: Pact, Shadow, and Truename Magic (2006).

Supplements for first-edition Battlesystem:

Bloodstone Pass

Bloodstone Pass

Adventure for 1st edition Battlesystem. Can players save a village from an army of brigands? Written by Douglas Niles and Michael Dobson. Published 1985.

The Bloodstone Wars

Bloodstone Wars

Third adventure for 1st edition Battlesystem. Battles against bandits, with Battlesystem stats. Written by Douglas Niles and Michael Dobson. Published 1987.

(Note that the fourth Bloodstone adventure, The Throne of Bloodstone, was not warfare-oriented.)

The Mines of Bloodstone

Mines of Bloodstone

Second adventure for 1st edition Battlesystem. Can players destroy the Witch-King's source of power? Provides two Battlesystem scenarios. Written by Douglas Niles and Michael Dobson. Published 1988.

Dragonlance: Dragons of Faith

Dragons of Faith

12th Dragonlance adventure. makes use of Battlesystem. Written by Harold Johnson and Bruce Heard. Published 1986.

Dragonlance: Dragons of Ice

Dragons of Ice

6th Dragonlance adventure. Battlesystem first edition can be used to resolve included battle. Written by Douglas Niles. Published 1985.

Dragonlance: Dragons of Triumph

Dragons of Triumph

Final (11th) Dragonlance adventure. Five armies of evil take the field against the combined forces of good. 20 pages of army roster sheets and a scenario diagram. Battlesystem first edition can be used to resolve included battle. Written by Douglas Niles. Published 1986.

Dragonlance: Dragons of War

Dragons of War

8th Dragonlance adventure. Battlesystem first edition can be used to resolve included battle. Written by Tracy and Laura Hickman. Published 1985.

Dungeoneer's Survival Guide

Dungeoneer's Survival Guide

Includes Battlesystem rules for underground battles. Written by Douglas Niles. Published 1986.

Forgotten Realms: Swords of the Iron Legion

Swords of the Iron Legion

This book presents a series of scenarios, which are mostly independent of each other, except for a concluding battle which ties them all together. The adventures feature traditional FRP action leading up to a climatic battle. Orders of battle are provided, but players must design their own maps in some cases. Also provided are three 1-page "firefights," micro-battles involving small forces totally independent of the campaign. Set in the Forgotten Realms - Hades Wars.

The Storm of Greshlyrr The adventurers stumble upon an opportunity to clean out a den of kobolds. Unfortunately, they later learn that they have disturbed the truce, and must aid in the defense of the Gnomes of Gildenglade as a kobold army seeks vengeance.
Those Who Forget The Past Recruited by a servant of Tempus, the adventurers help raise an army to confront raiding Undead and Gnolls. The battle has an interesting twist, as victory is most easily won if the player characters fight their way into the fortress while their army holds out as best it can. Blend of army-level and adventurer-level action.
The Hand of Tyr The heroes attend a village festival, which features a dramatic reenactment of an ancient battle. An evil lord sees the reenactment as his chance to steal the village's sacred relic, and recruits goblins and ogres to attack at the height of the battle reenactment.
Rumors of War The adventurers are recruited to aid in the defense of Timindar, a town threatened with destruction by an outcast who has allied with powerful forces. Pre-battle intrigues give the party plenty of opportunity to influence the battle to come. The battle involves a hill riddled with tunnels, lots of catapults, surprise allies and reinforcements, and a seal which might prove to be magical.
Battle of the Five Crowns Following rumors of war, the party stumbles upon an encampment of the forces of good. They are recruited to assault a Storm Giant's castle, while good and evil armies fight it out on land and in the air. Scenario introduces the Dark Watch and Windriders (figures formerly available from Ral Partha in 15mm). Battle involves aerial cavalry, centaurs, ground infantry, and dragons.
The Khan's Mighty Army This battle is fought to stop an oriental barbarian horde from advancing. A defector gives the adventurers key advice. "Ordinary" infantry and cavalry are involved on both sides, but with lots of special rules providing individuality to the units. Spellcasters play a role for both good and evil.
The Gratitude of Princes The adventurers are recruited to steal the plans of the evil host, then receive temporary appointments to command Golconda's military against invasion. Men, Elves, Dwarves, and Halflings fight against Hill Giants, Fire Giants, Ogres, Ghasts, Trolls, Goblins and Orcs. The heroes have a chance to recruit some powerful allies before the battle.
The Final Battle: Infinity Train The secret is revealed: a common enemy has provoked all the previous battles. The adventurers are asked to lead an army to Hades, to destroy the arcane device which an arcanodaemon has built and fuels with the souls of slain warriors. The army of good ("The Iron Legion") is composed of those few who would volunteer. The battlefield is a strange other-dimensional landscape where not everything is as it appears.
The First (and Last) Charge of the Dwarven Air Cavalry Wyvern-mounted goblins attack dragonne-mounted dwarves in a night battle for control of a gold mine. (Good luck finding figures to fight this one with!)
Troll Bridge The militia must drive away gnoll and scrag raiders from a key bridge.
Defense of Halfling Vale Orcs attack a halfling hamlet. The enemy have some magical assistance, as well as being led by a Giant Orc and two Hill Giants. The halflings are assisted by a variety of NPC leaders.

64-page rulebook, separate cover with map and monster table. Published 1988. Designed by Bill Connors, Christopher Mortika, Rick Reid, Scott Bennie, John Terra, Jay Batista, Roy Schelper, Rick Swan.

Red Arrow, Black Shield

Red Arrow, Black Shield

X10 adventure for Basic D&D. Invasion of the Desert Nomads. Uses both Battlesystem and War Machine rules. Written by Michael S. Dobson. Published 1985.

Dragon Magazine #179

This issue contained a list of magic items for Battlesystem.