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Fire Storm

Wargame Shop
Year Published
Out of Print
  • 96-page digest-sized rules booklet
  • two identical reference sheets

    Reference sheet
Ground Scale 1 mm = 1 foot (1:300 scale)
Time Scale Each bound represents 10 minutes
Figure Scale Each figure represents a single combatant
Miniature ScalesDesigned for use with 1:300 scale figures. Figures from larger scales can be used as "gigantic" troops.

From 1-6 figures (player's discretion) are mounted per base. The size of the base is determined by the height of the figures (from Small to Colossal), their Order (Skirmish, Loose, Close, or Dense), and troop type (Biped, Quadruped, Cavalry, Chariot, or Artillery). The smallest base is 3mm x 6mm (Small Bipeds in Dense Order), while the largest is 102mm x 114mm (Colossal Quadrupeds in Skirmish Order).


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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 31 March 1999. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 27 October 2016.

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Fire Storm
Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star no star no star no star no star (6.00)
Total Votes: 1


These fantasy mass-combat rules are specialized for playing in 1:300 scale. Armies are built using a point system and pre-determined troop types. Troop types are classified as Good (Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Halflings, Centaurs, Woodland Animals), Evil (Dark Dwarves, Dark Elves, Fire Lizards, Goblins, Kobolds, Lizardmen, Orcs, Ratmen, Troglodytes, Undead), or Neutral (can be used by either side - Humans, Animals, Giants, Dragons). A body consists of 6, 8, 9 or 12 elements (bases of 1-6 figures), a company consists of 4-10 bodies, and a brigade is 4-6 companies.

In addition to common troops, armies are composed of Individuals and Commanders. Commanders govern companies, brigades, and armies, and issue the orders which allow units to perform actions.

The game is played in a series of Bounds (turns). First, compulsory moves are made (i.e., routs). Then come four Rounds, during each of which a particular type of unit may move/charge, conduct missile fire, and make magical attacks - first Commanders, then Individuals, and then Units. After this, Advance Movement occurs (basically, a travel march phase for units at the fringes of the fighting), then come morale tests for victims of charges, and then melee combats are resolved. The turn ends with morale and other tests.

Individuals and Commanders move within their Round in initiative order (rolled randomly). During the Units Round, however, each Commander may issue one command per phase, up to a maximum limit determined randomly per turn, and subject to units being in range of and assigned to that particular leader.

A unit's movement rate is determined by that troop type's base movement score, the unit's Order (density), its formation (Line, Double Line, Column of Attack, or Column of March), the terrain, the discipline of the unit (trained or untrained), and whether or not it is charging. Rules also cover mounting/dismounting, obstacles, buildings, and weather effects.

Missile fire is limited by arc of fire, range, and limits on the number of ranks which may fire. Both missile and melee combat use the same combat procedure: A dieroll is compared to a chart to determine a score (from +3 to -3), to which is added the target's Defense Value plus any of a series of modifiers (i.e., firing on rear, or firer moved this turn). The final factor is compared on a chart against the number of attackers to determine hits inflicted, which in turn is modified by the troop type's damage modifier and (for missile combat) rate of fire. The final score is deducted from the unit's Stamina value. Once a unit is reduced to less than 50% of original Stamina, it begins to lose figures.

The rules also cover visibility and line of sight, rocks thrown by catapults or Giants, charges, and unit and army morale.

The Advanced Rules add aerial movement/combat, the magic system, Heroes, and the Optional Rules. Heroes differ from Individuals in not being subject to the morale rules, and move in a new round inserted before the Individuals Round. Optional rules include bad weather, night, advance movement, invisibility, herd and pack animals, missile ammunition, uncontrolled movement for certain troop types when out of command, shield wall, pike phalanx, forming square, and cavalry wedges. There are 20 spell classes, each consisting of 5 spells of varying power. A special type of Individual - the Mage - can be purchased. The Mage's Spell Level determines the number and level of spells he possesses, though the spells themselves are assigned randomly.

Sample army list


Published 1998 by MDJ Publications.