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Down Styphon!

Setting is the world of Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen (from the novel of the same name by H. Beam Piper).

Wargame rules complete with army organizations and descriptions of flags and uniforms for a complete campaign. Includes notes on suitable miniatures.

Infantry is organized into companies - 120 to 160 men per company, with a ratio of 2 pikemen to 1 musketeer. Cavalry is 160 to 200 men per troop. Weapons include lance, sword, musketoon, pistols.

There is an interesting rule for mercenaries. When their morale is low enough, they will surrender if the enemy is close enough. For every 10 'prisoner' figures, the opposing force must detail one 'guard' figure!

The rules also feature an optional point system for building armies.

These rules may also be used, with minimal adaptations, as a simple set of rules for the English Civil War or any pike and musket battle. Merely drop all rules for better gunpowder and rifled arms. (Kalvan's advantages) Treat all mounted rifles as dragoons/mounted or dismounted with musketoons.
– Publisher's listing

Mike Gilbert
Fantasy Games Unlimited
Year Published
In Print
21-page single-bound booklet, plus 2 cardstock reference sheets
Ground Scale 1" = 10 yards
Figure Scale One casting = 20 men
Miniature ScalesIntended for use with 25mm figures, but with conversions for 15mm

Infantry is mounted on 1" deep stands, with an average of 3 figures and a frontage of 15mm per figure. Cavalry is mounted on 2" deep stands, 3 or 4 figures per stand, frontage of 20mm per figure. Artillerymen are mounted on 3/4" x 3/4" stands.


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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 15 May 1997. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 5 November 2016.

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Down Styphon!

A Musket and Pike War Game

Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star no star no star no star (7.40)
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