Outland Games

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Phonesorry, currently no telephone available

Manufacturer of Outcast Miniatures and Demi-Brigaders brand of figures:

  • 54mm scale
    • Ancients (Gladiators, Romans, Gauls)
  • 25mm French Revolutionary Wars, 1806 French and Prussians, and 1813 Prussians
  • 20mm Seven Years War, 20mm Napoleonics, 20mm WWI Colonials, 20mm Ottoman Turks
  • 15mm scale
    • WWII vehicles and figures
    • sci-fi

Manufacturer of "the old Custermen line of 30mm Indians and Cavalry line...from Der Kriegspielers Fame!"

In 2001, Outland acquired Bataillenfeur line of 20mm miniatures, including the Napoleonic and Seven Years War lines. In 2007, Outland aquired the 25mm Napoleonics line Demi-Brigaders.

Offers a large range of historical and fantasy flags. Publisher of Shot Heard Round The World (American War of Independence rules), Fast and Furious (ACW rules), and Vexillum (Roman Civil Wars rules).

Outland also offers tips on painting figures and making terrain on its website.

You can also obtain painted figures for sale at the Outland Games website.


"I accept: Money Orders, Checks, Visa, Mastercard, and Discover Card. I accept PAYPAL, using this email address: sales@outlandgames.net."

This entry last updated on 20 September 2011

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