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Address15 Dooleys Avenue
Berriedale, Tasmania
Phone(03) 62492603 [within Australia]
+61+3+ 62492603 [from overseas]
Fax(03) 62492673

Ostmodels produces 1/76 scale models (WWII armour, artillery, transport) in polyurethane.

"This range of models is designed for the modeller or wargamer interested in the WWII period, particularly the less familiar theatres of the war. Each kit consists of several handcast polyurethane resin parts that make up into a model that only requires painting for completion, and if the modeller chooses, the addition of minor detail."

Masters built by Guy Newling or Henk Timmerman.

Nations covered include:

  • Australia
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • China
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Hungary
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Poland
  • Rumania
  • Slovakia
  • Soviet Union
  • United Kingdom
  • United States of America

In addition, Ostmodels distributes the Resin Master Range (which is produced by Ostmodel's caster). This smaller product line "...which includes various WWII vehicles, conversions and accessories" (mostly Soviet) "...and, of great promise, a series of armoured trains."

  • 1/72nd scale
    • Germany
    • Soviet Union
    • United States of America
  • 1/76th scale
    • French ("Underground" infantry figures)
    • Germany (armored train, rocket trailers)

In 1998, Ostmodels built and moved to a new premises.

Catalog"We e-mail them, or post at cost of two IRCs."
Payment"By cheque, postal money order or VISA/BANKCARD/MASTERCARD. Cheques and Postal Money Orders in foreign currency are accepted and may be calculated either using prices provided is in £s or US$ or at the ruling exchange rate at the time of purchase. Foreign currency cheques add £2 or US$3 or equivalent to cover bank charges." Make cheques payable to "K. D. FUGLSANG."
United StatesMighty Military Miniatures
This entry last updated on 14 March 2003

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