Battlestandard Miniatures and Games

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Their website stopped functioning in 2019: "500 – Internal server error."

AddressSpring Hill, Florida
Phone(352) 684-0068

"Battle Standard Miniatures produces some of the finest wargaming miniatures for the Historical Miniatures War gaming community, as well as non-gaming collectors. Our quality, commitment to customer service, and attention to detail is the cornerstone of our business.

"Products currently include 15mm ACW and British Peninsular Napoleonics, 28mm and 40mm Ancients, and rules, weapons packs, and sculpting materials. Ranges included are 28mm Later Achaemenid Persians, Greeks, Alexandrian Macedonians, and Normans, with Saxons, Romans (from Republican through the Byzantine Empire), Indians, and Asiatic Horse armies forthcoming. 40mm Greek and Macedonian infantry are currently available, with cavalry and a full array of Persians on the drawing board.

"Also on the sculptor's plate/dream list: 15mm French Napoleonics, 28mm Napoleonics, 28mm Italian States Renaissance, Medieval and Fantasy Miniatures, and 28mm WWII.

"The sculptor and previous owner, Jeff Stuckey, is finally free of the business end, and able to fully dedicate himself to his first love: his art. Jeff and I have discussed future releases and his ideas are aggressive to say the least. So keep your eyes open and visit our site often as it will be constantly changing to accommodate the veritable flood of new releases planned for the coming months.

"Our website has been faced with several challenges, least of which are the issues surrounding the shopping cart functionality. The URL works - however, you will not be able to place an order directly through the website at this time. Orders may be submitted via phone or email, to the contact information provided. Secure billing and online shopping cart and fax orders are being addressed at this time, and will, hopefully, be restored in short order."


"PayPal, personal check, money order, bank check"

This entry last updated on 6 December 2019

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