Order of Battle
Information provided by Niko Mikkanen (creator@swob.nullnet.fi).
The scale is 1 figure = 33 men.
Swedish Forces
Commander: Lieutenant-General Klingspor
All infantry and Jaegerbattalions have 20 figures each.
The lifebattalions are the regiments elite, and can be considered
Grenadiers, whereas the reserve battalions have lower morale and worse
equipment than line battalions. The militia can probably safely be
considered to be half jaegers (this due to the fact that they mostly
brought their own weapons, usually hunting rifles), but with lower
The Finnish jaegers don't all
have rifles, probably only the Nyland
Jaegerbatalion has rifles, while the others don't.
- Sveaborg ("The Gibraltar of the North")
- 6000 men in garrison, of which 1
Battalion in Helsinki city (=181 figures, minus the 20 in Helsinki)
- Svartholm:
- 600 (=18 figures)
I BRIGADE (Colonel Palmfelt)
- Pori Regiment (Lt-Col Stjernvall)
- Lifebattalion (Major Eek)
- Linebattalion (Captain Groenhagen)
- Reserve battalion (Captain Furuhjelm)
- Haemeenlinna Regiment (Colonel Von Platen)
- Lifebattalion (Lt-Col Wetterhoff)
- Linebattalion (Major Von Fieandt)
- Jaegerbattalion (colonel Von Essen)
- 1/2 of Uusimaa Jaegerbattalion (Major Uggla) (10 figures)
- 4 Squadrons of Uusimaa Dragoons (4 figures each)
- 1. and 3. Battery of Finnish Artillery Regiment (1 6-pdr & 5 men
each) (6-gun stands)
II BRIGADE (Colonel Adlercreutz)
- Turku Regiment (Colonel Fleming)
- Lifebattalion (Major Haestesko)
- Linebattalion (Major Reuterskoeld)
- Reserve battalion (Major Reutercrona)
- Uusimaa regiment (Colonel Von Doebeln)
- Lifebattalion (Lt-Col Munck)
- Linebattalion (Major Furuhjelm)
- Jaegerhornska Lifbattalion
the Nylands Jaegerbattalion's flag company, somewhere around 160 men
- 1/2 of Uusimaa Jaegerbattalion (Major Arnkihl) (10 figures)
- 4 Squadrons of Uusimaa Dragoons (4 figures each)
- 2. and 4. battery of Finnish Artillery Regiment (1 6-pdr & 5 men
each) (6-gun stands)
SAVO-KARJALA (III) BRIGADE (Colonel J. A. Gronstedt)
- Savo Jaegerregiment and Infantryregiment (Colonel Sandels)
Organized into 4 battalions of half musketeers and half
Jaegers. These can be split during combat.
- infantry
- I (Half)battalion (Major Furumark)
- II (Half)battalion (Major Tujulin)
- III (Half)battalion (Major Grotenfelt)
- IV (Half)battalion (Colonel Sunn)
- Jaegers
- I (Half)battalion (Major Ehrnrooth)
- II (Half)battalion (Lt-Col Lode)
- III (Half)battalion (Major Tavast)
- IV (Half)battalion (Major Grotenfelt)
- Karjala Jaegerforces (Lt-Col G. Aminoff)
- I (Half)battalion (Captain Von Wright)
- II (Half)battalion (Captain V . Burghausen)
- I Militia Battalion (Major Von Toerne)
- I Dismounted Dragoon Company (Lieutenant Poppius) (4 figures)
- Karjala Dragoons: 2 Squadrons (Lt-Col Christiernin) (4 figures
- Savonlinna Artillery Company (Captain Von Born) (2 batteries of 1
6-pdr & 5 men each) (6-gun stands)
Russian Forces
Commander: General Buxhoevden
Every infantry battalion has 24 figures (the actual strength in men
would make it 23 figures, but this doesn't go too well with forming a
coherent battalion...). As can be seen, info on the Russians is a bit
sketchy. I don't know whether these two-battalion regiments had a
grenadier regiment and a musketeer regiment, or just two
musketeerregiments. The composition of the artillery is my guesswork only
(the only things I know are the number of guns and that they only had 6-
and 9-pdrs), so this might change considerably with more research.
The city names in brackets after each division are the deployment areas of each
division in the beginning of hostilities.
5TH DIVISION (Lt-General Tutschkoff I)
total guns in division: 42
- 4 Musketeer regiments (2 battalions each)
- Jaegerbattalions (probably 2 regiments, but possibly separate
- 2 Squadrons Dragoons (4 figures each)
- 200 Cossacks (=6 figures)
- 3 Light artillery batteries (1 6-pdr & 6 men + 1 9-pdr & 6 men each)
(7-gun stands)
21ST DIVISION (Lt-General Bagration)
total guns in division: 18
- 3 Musketeer regiments (2 battalions each)
- 3 Jaegerregiments (2 batt. each)
- 5 Squadrons Dragoons (4 figures each)
- 200 Cossacks (=6 figures)
- 1 Light artillery battery (1 6-pdr & 6 men + 1 9-pdr & 6 men) (7-gun
- 1/2 Horse artillery battery (1 6-pdr & 4 men) (4-gun stand)
17TH DIVISION (Lt-General Gortschakoff*)
* Replaced later by Lt-General Kamenski
total guns in division: 28
- 4 Musketeer regiments (2 battalions each)
- 2 Jaegerregiments (2 batt. each)
- 5 Squadrons Dragoons (4 figures each)
- 400 Cossacks (=12 figures)
- 2 Light artillery batteries (1 6-pdr & 6 men + 1 9-pdr & 6 men each)
(7-gun stands)
- 1 pioneer company (6 figures)