Ask The Experts

The following folks have volunteered to help people with questions in the specified fields of specialty:

Michael R. Childers
Ancients (Aztecs, Romans [late Republic thru early Imperial], Egyptians [middle & new kingdom], ancient weapons)
18th Century (blackpowder combat processes)
Military Theory (army command and control, combat theory)
historical trends in technology and chemistry (I'm a professional chemist)
James Picton
American Civil War
World War Two (uniforms)
Mal. Wright
Naval (from Age of Steam to present day)
WW1 Land wargaming, particularly Palestine and the Middle East in general
WW1 Uniforms
Uniforms and armies of the Balkan Wars

If you would like to volunteer to be one of our experts, please send email to the editor mentioning your fields of expertise.

Last Updates
4 May 1998added James Picton
6 June 1997added Michael Childers
24 May 1997page first published
Comments or corrections?