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28mm Barbarosa Russian Force

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Battlefront's BA-6 Armored Car

Dave Bennett of Lone Star Historical Miniatures paints up some WWII Soviet armored cars for TMP - and demonstrated how to use chalk for weathering.

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A Japanese heavy-weapons company meets a retreating Allied column in the jungles of Knife Fight.

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10,204 hits since 2 Aug 2002
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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The SkirmishCampaigns scenario books use a system designed to keep players guessing about exactly what each fight is about, and to keep the scenarios from getting stale when replayed. Each player receives a base force (armor and infantry), plus a randomly selected attachment.

Surplus figures from Black Tree's Soviet Character Set were composed in this vignette by Friar Barb's Painting Monastery

For this scenario, our Soviet base force will be:

  • a platoon of three T-34 medium tanks (unit has already taken losses due to air interdiction and/or mechanical breakdown)
  • one T-28 heavy tank
  • a political section (commissar and two riflemen)
  • two motorized rifle squads, each consisting of:
    • a squad leader
    • a two-man LMG team
    • a grenadier and assistant
    • seven riflemen
    • a truck
KV-1 from Army Group North, painted by miscmini

The Soviet player will also receive one of the following, selected randomly:

  • a platoon of three BT-7 light tanks (35% chance)
  • a platoon of two BA-10 armored cars (25% chance)
  • a 45mm Model 1938 Anti-Tank Gun, plus truck and crew (20% chance)
  • a platoon of two KV-1 heavy tanks (20% chance)
Soviet anti-tank gun with crew

28mm BA-10 Armored Cars

In Planning

We're not aware of a manufacturer of these in 28mm scale, but we understand the model is currently in development.

28mm BT-7 Tanks

In Progress

Models acquired, not yet painted.


We have the models from Army Group North, painted by miscmini Fezian.


Force of Arms is the only manufacturer in this scale for the 45mm anti-tank gun, an essential weapon for Barbarosa-period Russian Front gaming. The first painting service dropped the ball (and lost our model), but Pigmented Miniatures came through for us.


Black Tree's Soviet Character Set I looked like a good source for interesting figures. Friar Barb of Friar Barb's Painting Monastery painted the set for us.


Battle Honours Infantry in Summer Uniforms (Early War) Rifle Squad Pack Advancing figures, painted for us by Old Guard Painters.

28mm Soviet Trucks

In Planning

We've not yet found a manufacturer for Soviet trucks in this scale yet.


Force of Arms added this model to their product line at TMP's request! Neil Burt of Troop of Shewe painted it for us.


We have the models from Army Group North, painted by Troop of Shewe.