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15mm Mechanoids Army

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4,025 hits since 26 May 2009
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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I had an army design, ordered the figures, but then a new edition of the rules (v2.0) came out…

So, while waiting for the new rules to see if my army was still legal, I painted up what I had.

And I took so long that rules v3.0 is now out! grin.

Note that, for some crazy reason, the Alien Squad Leader army is called the Mechanoids, but the figure range – from the Hordes of the Future 15mm line – is called Automatons.

Under 3.0 rules, the minimum army is 100 points, and 3 bases of Terminator infantry are required. I have enough figures for four bases of Terminators (mixing all types together). If I base the Tracked Heavy Automata at two per base (I think that looks best), that gives me three bases of Heavy Droids. If I add one battle mech, that will be 20 points, and put my total at 103 points.

I originally based all the models individually, thinking to use some kind of magnetic or sabot bases for these rules, but I've changed my mind and plan to rebase everything.



One large battle droid.


A pack of Automaton heavy infantry - missiles, plasma, and mini-guns.


A pack of Automaton infantry, enough for two bases of infantry.

15mm Mechanoids Installation


Required HQ scenic.


Six automata with mini-guns and missiles.