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Profiles is where we feature the people and companies which make up this hobby. If you know of a company or person you'd like to see featured in Profiles, please contact Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian.

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Oddzial Osmy's 15mm Teutonic Crossbowmen 1410

The next Teutonic Knights unit - Crossbowmen!

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Visiting Reaper - 2000!

The Editor takes a virtual tour of Reaper's new offices.

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366,824 hits since 9 Oct 2000
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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First Look: Minairons' 1:600 Xebec

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian looks at a fast-assembly naval kit for the Age of Sail. [28 July 2021]



If you were a kid in the 1960s who loved history and toy soldiers, you probably had a WOW figure! [26 July 2021]

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian takes a look at flexible roads made from long-lasting flexible resin. [26 August 2020]

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian looks at some new terrain products, which use space age technology! [17 August 2020]

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian looks at a multi-period building. [20 May 2020]

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian ponders nirvana. [24 October 2019]

Editor Julia would like your support for a special project. [7 December 2015]

For the time being, the last in our series of articles on the gates of Old Jerusalem. [10 September 2008]

The gates of Old Jerusalem offer a wide variety of scenario possibilities. [11 June 2008]

Pete Mancini reports from Historicon. [20 July 2006]

The Editor heads for Vicksburg... [22 June 2006]

The Editor takes a virtual tour of Reaper's new offices. [23 April 2002]

The Editor talks his way into getting a tour of Reaper Miniatures, one of the major U.S. miniature manufacturers. [6 October 2000]

The Editor is invited to tour the factory of Simtac, a U.S. manufacturer of figures in nearly all periods, scales, and genres. [17 September 1998]

In the first of our Homes of the Rich and Famous Game Designers articles (!), the Editor is shown the many wonders of Chip Harrison, founder of Chipco. [18 April 1998]

The Editor meets Chip Harrison and Curtis Wright, the two gentlemen behind successful rules publisher Chipco. [18 April 1998]