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War at Sea: Task Force Preview

Texas Grognard writes:

Don't feel left out Mack. A buddy of mine got a case with not a KGV in it. I ended up trading a Zuikaku for an Illustrious only to buy another pack later that had another Lusty. I traded it for a Jean Bart. By the way in my other gaming group between us we bought at least two cases worth of boosters. None of us drew a single USS Laffey?! What's up with that?! Oh well I've got two sm-79's. SM-79's rock baby!

Salut y'all!

Bruce the Texas Grognard


Areas of Interest

World War Two at Sea
World War Two in the Air

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Revision Log
23 July 2008page first published

8,188 hits since 23 Jul 2008
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Paul Glasser writes:

Although the new War at Sea: Task Force expansion set includes 60 new French, Italian, Canadian, Dutch, German, Japanese, American and British units, many of them are "reprints."

Roughly half of the cruisers, submarines, destroyers, battleships and carriers are "sister ships" of units included in the base set (released last year). The figures are usually repaints of the same models, although they also include new skills or abilities that set them apart.

However, several entirely new classes of ships are introduced as well, including the Italian Zara and German Admiral Hipper heavy cruisers.

Hipper (top) and U-66
Hipper and U-66 stat cards

The Hipper will be an excellent addition to any German convoy raider force, because it rolls extra dice when attacking destroyers and auxiliary ships. She is well armed with 8 x 203mm and 12 x 105mm guns, and has good AA defense.

The Germans can also deploy the U-66, which is sure to supplant the U-510 as the submarine of choice for the Kriegsmarine. The U-66 has the same torpedo-attack values and benefits from the wolf-pack skill. However, it is also faster, has the ability to elude enemy destroyers, and only costs 1 additional point.
