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First Look: Battlefront's 1:100 Wespe Artillery Battery

15mm and 28mm Fanatik writes:

What a coincidence. I bought this and the Nashorn box set below on Black Friday along with a bunch of other BF models on sale.



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29 November 2019page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

Let's take a look at another of the D-Day: German releases from Battlefront – the Wespe Artillery Battery boxed set.

Wespe Artillery Battery boxed set

Opening the box, you get the usual plastic tub of stuff, as well as a plastic sleeve with cards.

Wespe box contents

Opening the tub's lid and taking off some foam packing pieces, you can see three resin hulls and some metal bits.

Wespe box contents

The resin hull is fairly complete, eliminating the need for a lot of metal parts.

Wespe hull

Even some of the stowage is modeled on the hull.

Wespe hull

The interior seems detailed enough for this scale, considering also that two crew and a gun are going to crowd in here.

Wespe hull (rear)

The only metal parts needed for each model are the two track pieces, one gun, and two crew figures.

Wespe metal parts

The crew are apparently gunner and loader, and are shown in the illustrations standing on either side of the gun.

Wespe crew figures

Inside the resealable plastic envelope is the Wespe Artillery Battery card. (My set came with a bonus Panzer III Observation Post card… my lucky day, I guess.)

Wespe cards

The back of the box directs gamers to search the manufacturer's website for assembly instructions. I found them here, and they seem complete. There are no specific painting instructions, so gamers will need to refer to other D-Day: German painting articles on the website. The cross decal shown on the models in the pictures are not included in this set. The photo on the box cover shows a third pose of crew figure (helmeted), which I did not see in my sample box.