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Cheap Wood Trays

microgeorge writes:

I picked up two more at a Dollar Tree near me. Great for die rolling trays if you can persuade your players to actually use them for that. The noise isn't that bad.


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21 October 2021page first published

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

I was at Dollar Tree again, just minding my own business, when I spotted these wooden trays:

Wood trays catalog picture

According to the company website, they measure 1.75" x 6.75" x 4.875". The oval handle is .5625" tall.

Wood tray with dice

So I thought: dice tray! A wooden dice tray is so much better than using some game box lid. (Just make sure your dice are larger than the openings.)

Wood trays catalog picture

Or if you prefer another style, they also have the larger Wood Trays with Handles, 7.625" x 5.875" x 2.125". Might be useful for carrying your painting supplies?

Wood tray side

I don't know what kind of plywood these trays are made of, but the wood is 'fuzzy' in places, and note the unfinished wood in the handle opening. So you might want to take the time to clean the wood up a bit, or perhaps add paint or stain.

Wood tray corner

Here in the corner, you can see a glue smear, and a bead of glue along the bottom seam. The wood in the corner is cut unevenly. But then, it only costs a dollar! grin