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Report from ReaperCon 2006


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3 Giant Succulents

Back to the plastic jungle…

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Jot Arrow Magnets

Do you need direction in your wargaming?

Revision Log
31 August 2006page first published

4,342 hits since 31 Aug 2006
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Michael Cannon writes:

Paint and Take

One of the more popular activities at any event Reaper is at is their Paint and Take. There are a couple of reasons for this.

  1. The first is that it's free... and you get a free figure to paint or doodle on.
  2. The second is that you can try out Reaper's Master Series Paints... for free.
Paint and Take

Reaper's MSP are pretty slick. I like them because: they have flow improver in them, they mix easily as they have a pewter skull in the bottom and you don’t have to use a paint shaker to get the pigment even in the bottle, the colors are great, and they cover well. If you haven’t tried them, you should.
