In this hobby, we don't always need clamps, but when you need one, you need one!

This is a pack of Clorox Clothespins With No-Slip Grip, which sells for $1.25 USD at Dollar Tree. There are twelve in the set.

These are a plastic version of the wooden clothespins you might have used to hang laundry on the line back in the old days. These are bendier than the wooden ones.

There is a softer blue plastic which is the 'no-slip grip', which apparently provides some advantage compared to the old-fashioned wooden clothespins.

Above, you can see a clothespin with a 28mm Kryomek figure, to get a sense of size.
Clamps are useful to hold parts together while glue is drying, to act as a temporary base for minis on a painting stick or nail, and to keep paper from warping while drying. Clothespins are spring-clamps with uneven clamping surfaces, so they are not suitable for everything that you might use a flat-mouthed ratcheting clamp for. But they're inexpensive and easily available.
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