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First Look: Blood River

The Last Conformist writes:


Not slime green perhaps, but they do have a green one:


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23 August 2021page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

Miniature wargamers need rivers. It's a primary need, common to lots of different periods and genres.

Blood River

However, what about a blood river? In addition to their standard line of river products, Gale Force Nine also makes some specialty river products. One of these is Blood River, a box of red-colored river pieces.

Blood River back cover

As the box's back shows, the set provides six river pieces – enough to produce almost 6' of bendy red river.

Blood River box contents

Inside the big box are six items wrapped in white paper, taped shut.

Blood River river piece

As you can see above, the pieces have a glossy red coat where the 'blood river' flows. The bubbles are sculpted into the piece, and are quite solid.

Blood River river piece back

The pieces are made of a thick flexible material, painted black on the backsides.

Blood River river pieces

Five of the pieces are S-shaped curves, making a river that bends around as it follows the same direction. You can't make the river bend to a new direction, or split, or flow into a pond.

Blood River river straight piece

The sixth piece is a straight river piece with a small island. Could be used as a ford.

Blood River river connection

Here's a close-up with my 28mm zombie fighter for scale, showing how the pieces fit together.

Blood River

One minor flaw is that, because the red is slightly sticky, debris adheres to it. You can see some bits and grit embedded in the river, fresh from the factory. Some will brush off, but be careful or you'll scratch the river surface.

Blood River

Of course, it's up to you whether this red river actually flows with blood. Or for sci-games, maybe it's a lava river? For Pulp games, an algal bloom?