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Crafter's Square Clay Craft Tools

CeruLucifus writes:

I have always assumed clay crafting tools are too low-res for miniature sculpting. Maybe for terrain if you're coating something with a soft layer and need to manipulate the surface texture.

Wax sculpting tools are finer and usually metal and some have ends like the putty sculpting tools sold by Citadel and others. I have a whole set of these.

As far as a tool for applying spackle to miniature bases, sure, if you don't have anything else, but most of us have already craft sticks (popsicle sticks) and also, the plastic palette knifes The Editor posted earlier would be better, also metal palette knives.


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28 June 2024page first published

672 hits since 26 Jun 2024
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

If you need tools for your workbench, one surprising source continues to be the craft aisle at Dollar Tree (a 'dollar store' chain in the U.S.A.).

Clay Craft Tools

I noticed these for the first time recently: Clay Craft Tools, described as:

excellent for clay making, modelling and shaping; great for clay art projects, provides you with essentials needed; make unique creations out of modeling clay
Clay Craft Tools

The tools certainly look interesting, but I've no idea what the different items are used for.

Clay Craft Tools

I would love to hear from some of you about whether these tools would be useful for you.