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Axis & Allies: Tiger Heaven BatRep

unknown member writes:

vtsaogames: You're using MS Internet Explorer? Alas, that's the bogus error message that IE gives, instead of actually displaying the real error message.

It goes away after I post on the boards.

That could be a clue - can you explain further?


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29 January 2008page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Paul Glasser writes:

In this scenario, a German assault group clashes with an Allied force in the wide-open plains of Tiger Heaven.

The map is composed of sheets C-2, D-2, A-1 and B-1. Both armies are the standard 100 points, and include units from all phases of the war. The German commander has spent most of his points to deploy the powerful Tiger I. The Allies have deployed three Shermans, and will use strength in numbers to try and overwhelm the numerically inferior Axis forces.


  • Tiger I, 63 pts
  • MG42, 10 pts
  • SdKfz 251, 14 pts
  • Pak 38, 10 pts

Total: 100 points


  • M1 Garand, 4 pts
  • Vickers team, 8 pts
  • 6 lb. AT x 2, 18 pts
  • Red Devil, 7 pts
  • Sherman x 3, 63 pts

Total: 100 points



The Germans have spread out along the main road in B-1 and C-2. The armored units are ready to react quickly, because they are at strategic intersections. The Allies have deployed their armor on the flanks of their infantry column, near the objective in A-1.
