Previously, I looked at Battlefront's basic train tracks set. Eight pieces, enough to give you eight feet of straight track.

But what if you need a curve, or to intersect with another line of track? That's what the Train Tracks Expansion is for!

Inside the thin cardboard box is styrofoam with cut-outs, holding the components securely:

What you get in the box are four curve pieces, two intersection pieces, two buffer stops, and two small ziploc bags of flock.

As with the original set, the track pieces are made of a flexible material, pre-painted on top and black on the bottom. Note that there are two intersections in the set, and you would need three to make the layout on the box cover! The piece is almost six inches long.

There are four curves in the set, again about six inches long. I would estimate that you'd need six pieces to make a 90° turn in the track. (Real-life train tracks make gradual turns.)

The coolest pieces in the set are the two buffer stops, which are intended to be placed at the end of a track. My only criticism is that two per set seems too many, especially if you buy several sets to get more curves. I think a better mix would have been one intersection, one buffer stop, and six curves.

As with the original set, you get some flock in case you want to add it to the track edges (to make them look like what's on the box front). My bags look a little anemic this time!

On a typical wargaming table, you're not going to have room for much of a railroad track, but you'll need this pack if you want more than just a straight line. Or if you're dreaming of an armored train and need room for maneuver…