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Editor Katie's House That TMP Built

Shardik writes:

Looks good. Glad they've got a nice solid home now. And a rooster!


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A Rescue House for Editor Katie & Her Grandparents

Thanks to the generosity of TMP readers, there has been much progress in building a new home for our staff editor and her family, evicted from their home.

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30 August 2023page first published

1,289 hits since 30 Aug 2023
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

As mentioned in a previous article, our own staff editor, Personal logo Editor Katie The Editor of TMP, was in dire straits after a relative evicted her grandparents from the home they built in order to redevelop the land.

Fortunately, TMP members stepped up with donations to make it possible to begin construction on a new, small home (as reported previously).

Even better news is that after Personal logo Editor Katie The Editor of TMP was finally able to speak face-to-face with her relative, it was decided that the relative would donate materials to help complete the new home. Thus, the remaining TMP donations would go solely to pay labor costs.

And now the home is finished!

Personal logo Editor Katie The Editor of TMP writes:

Good day, everyone!

On behalf of my whole family, I would really like to say 'thank you' to all the people who have helped me and my family to get this new home. This wouldn't be possible without your help.

We are currently living in the new house now with my whole family.

Again, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you, thank you so much everyone. May God bless you and your family for your kindness.

And she sends these pictures:






Thanks, everyone!