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Mini Wooden Palettes

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

I'm thinking you would use them for structure, and 'skin' them with paper or other materials.


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15 October 2021page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

No, not paint palettes. Wood palettes. grin

Wood palettes

I saw these at Dollar Tree, and didn't think much of them as they're out of scale for any miniature wargaming projects I would be up to. (The palette measures roughly 3" x 4".)

But then, I found out that craft hobbyists were going nuts over these palettes because they're structural. They are making flower boxes and mini-farmhouses out of them.

Which means that wargamers can make buildings and fortifications quickly using these as building blocks, then add details – right?

Wood palette

If you're planning on building almost anything, though, you'll need more than are on the average store shelf. Fortunately, you can order them by the case (24 palettes, no discount for quantity, but free shipping if you have them delivered to your local Dollar Tree store). The wrinkle is that the case includes both types of palettes (see catalog photo above) – I find the 'flat' palette less useful.

So keep these in mind, they might be useful the next time you want to build something…