At last, all the gifts from TMP members have been delivered to the Grade Three pupils of San Antonio Elementary School. Back on Valentines Day, February 14, the 2016 Christmas/Thanksgiving Project made a lot of children very happy.
We raised 24,000 pesos last December. As planned, we bought raincoats, slippers, tumblers, school supplies, apples, oranges, and more food for the pupils to share. This was supposed to happen last December, but because of my sister's pregnancy, she was not able to come back to the school until February.
I couldn't attend the event because I was recovering from my motorcycle accident. How I wish I was there, because it's really good to see how happy the pupils are when they receive these gifts (which are really a big help to them). Anyway, below are the photos taken during the gift giving:

From all of the pupils, teachers and parents, as well as from my sister and I, 'thank you so much for the help'. This is impossible without you. It's a big help for the pupils during their school year. I hope we can do it again next Christmas!