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Report from Bayou Wars 2006

TXDave Supporting Member of TMP writes:

Let me add my thanks to Bill and John and everyone else that made our trip to Bayour Wars from Dallas a great trip! Quite a combination when you can combine a great battlefield, lots of games and things to buy, with great friends and new companions! It was a wonderful weekend and, as the commander of those "lances" that Shagnasty referred to, I did enjoy that game and the subsequent "arty" rolls that caused such grief to those rebel folks from Parliament! Those were great games! As Shagnasty said, though, the luck failed us later that weekend and I am afraid that all I can say for our pirate game was that I got to sail one ship away to fight another day…..

Great convention everyone and thanks again!


Areas of Interest

18th Century
American Civil War
19th Century
World War One
World War Two on the Land
World War Two at Sea
World War Two in the Air
Science Fiction
Toy Gaming

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Revision Log
23 June 2006page first published

11,185 hits since 23 Jun 2006
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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I've had trouble in recent years scheduling the time to get out to gaming conventions, but the Bayou Wars folks gave me an invitation I couldn't refuse...

  1. a chance to support a New Orleans convention, temporarily relocated due to Hurricane Katrina
  2. a wargamers tour of a Civil War battlefield
  3. several nearby museums, including the opportunity to see the USS Cairo ironclad!
  4. and games, games, games!
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Before I knew it, the time was come to ride the silver bird south...