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First Look: Battlefront's Dunkirk House


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3 May 2020page first published

2,993 hits since 3 May 2020
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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unknown member writes:

So we open another box in the European Houses series in the Battlefield in a Box range: Dunkirk House. According to the box, it's also in the Essentials range, and it's 15mm scale (some in the series say 10-15mm).

Dunkirk House

As we've come to expect, this is a thin cardboard box with a cardboard former inside, and three components wrapped in bubblewrap. The surprise this time is that the lower and upper stories are wrapped together and stuck together – fortunately, there's no damage when I force them apart.

Dunkirk House

Once again, a pre-painted house in ceramic-type material, holding two Flames of War medium bases on the first and second floor (can't put anything in the roof).

Dunkirk House

This time, we have a house with dark stonework, white windows with shutters, brown doors, and a gray roof. My sample is a little darker than the box cover photo. Hmmm, where have we seen a similar house before?

Two houses

Above, on the left you see Dunkirk House, and on the right you see Munich House.

Dunkirk House

Having two paint schemes for the same model gives more variety for our tabletops.