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First Look: CARnage 2 Vehicle


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19 June 2024page first published

783 hits since 19 Jun 2024
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

We've received some samples from Steve Jackson Games for their CARnage 2 Kickstarter.

3D print even more cars, weapons, arena terrain, figures, and other all-new elements to use with Car Wars and other games!

The Kickstarter is technically over, but they are still accepting Late Pledges. Car Wars is a car-combat game that's been around since 1981. Full disclosure: Years ago, I designed some of the products in this game range.

CARnage 2 vehicle

This is the sample car we received. The body is roughly 2½" long, and 1" across from wheel to wheel.

CARnage 2 vehicle

This model was 3Dprinted for us by the manufacturer, and is all one piece. I believe it's printed in resin, as though it is quite stiff, it has a slight stickiness to it.

CARnage 2 vehicle

This car is the wrecked version of the Meteor; it also comes in a non-wrecked version! The size is nominally 'toy car' scale. The length is about the same as any Matchbox or Hot Wheels car, but the vehicle is about 50% wider and beefier in build.

CARnage 2 vehicle

Since this is the damaged version, I assume that the bent gun barrels are intentional.

CARnage 2 vehicle

Other than that, the model needs some clean-up on and around the tires, but this is truly minor, and probably the result of the printing process rather than the STL file itself.

CARnage 2 figures

We have also received samples of some of the CARnage 2 figures, but as you can see, we need to do a little work before you can see them as they are intended.

More to Come!