We've received some samples from Steve Jackson Games for their CARnage 2 Kickstarter.
3D print even more cars, weapons, arena terrain, figures, and other all-new elements to use with Car Wars and other games!
The Kickstarter is technically over, but they are still accepting Late Pledges. Car Wars is a car-combat game that's been around since 1981. Full disclosure: Years ago, I designed some of the products in this game range.

This is the sample car we received. The body is roughly 2½" long, and 1" across from wheel to wheel.

This model was 3Dprinted for us by the manufacturer, and is all one piece. I believe it's printed in resin, as though it is quite stiff, it has a slight stickiness to it.

This car is the wrecked version of the Meteor; it also comes in a non-wrecked version! The size is nominally 'toy car' scale. The length is about the same as any Matchbox or Hot Wheels car, but the vehicle is about 50% wider and beefier in build.

Since this is the damaged version, I assume that the bent gun barrels are intentional.

Other than that, the model needs some clean-up on and around the tires, but this is truly minor, and probably the result of the printing process rather than the STL file itself.

We have also received samples of some of the CARnage 2 figures, but as you can see, we need to do a little work before you can see them as they are intended.