All forces were out to seek the Negromnium mine's precise location, in a region unknown to most of them.
The first skirmishes took place, and much human blood was shed. Everyone denied all responsibility and expressed much regret, shock, and disappointment regarding the mean dumbness of their opponents. Everyone agreed, however, that the mutants were more to blame than the others.
It all began when the tenacious Scrunts tried to rescue the pilot of a crashed recon aircraft from the vicious claws of the NeoSoviet Empire. It was all the more disputed, as the pilot was none other than a lovely woman in power armor best known as Libby the Axe (miniature by Hasslefree).
But the climax of the day clearly was the Ghosts of Negromundheim game. In that highly poetical scenario, competing forces were to enter the Negromnium mine guarded by sinister ghosts metaphorically representing the gloomy ghost of Negromnium.
At the end of the day, it was Duchesse's Politburo agents who took control of the mine, only to discover it was infested by creeping hordes of loathsome mutant monsters.
The current ranking is:
- ChronoHal: 56pts
- SebVoinot: 54pts
- Matthieu: 36pts
- NBFGH: 31pts
- JerBoud: 21pts
- Slereah: 9pts
Will the Politburo manage to defend their precious Negromnium cargo and escape that cursed place?
Find out in tomorrow's report!