As you probably know, this time of the year is divided by retailers into four consecutive seasons: Pumpkin Spice, Halloween and Christmas, followed by Valentines.
At Dollar Tree currently, Pumpkin Space season is fading away, Halloween is in full swing, and Christmas is already slipping onto the shelves!

I recently picked up these styrofoam decoration packs, one called Glitter Bone Decor (bones) and one called Decorative Filler (skulls).

Here's the content of the bones bag. Identical bones made of light foam, coated with tiny sparkles. 50mm long.

If you don't have a use for sparkly bones, these could be painted over with a coat of bone color, but the sparkles would make them bumpy. Could be useful as dungeon scatter or fantasy scenics.

This is the content of one skulls bag. These skulls seem identical to the skulls we previously profiled, except these sparkles are much finer, and you can more easily see the seams.

With a height of 30mm, these skulls might be a bit big for scatter items, but could be worked into scenic items (giant skulls in ancient ruins?).