Here we go – it's that time again!
The time when heroes from all-over-the-planet (but mainly, France) once again gather for the greatest WarEngine tournament in the world – the Iron Dream Tournament V, Hell on Negromundheim.
For those unfamiliar with WarEngine, it is the generic set of rules (by Dark Tortoise Productions) that gave birth to GWAR – Rumble in Antarctica and the 2nd edition of ShockForce. These universal rules feature an alternate-activation system and opposed dice rolls for combat resolution, and are adaptable to any genre and period.
Due to an unprecedented selection, zillions of Golden Demon winners, lascannon fondlers and cheesemongers of all kinds were turned out, and only the cream of the top elite competitors were allowed in.
5 as the five fingers of la mano del diablo
5 as the infernal pentacle
5 as in the cursed quintet
5 as in Rocky 5
5 as in the Iron Dream Tournament 5
5 heroes who will fight for the salvation (or the doom) of Negromundheim, and attempt to close the door to Gothic Hell that was unfortunately opened by some greedy Gnomish idiot one year ago...