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Report from Spring Gathering V


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Revision Log
9 October 2007page first published

3,613 hits since 9 Oct 2007
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Paul Glasser writes:

Axis & Allies Miniatures were popular, and players also participated in demonstrations for the new naval miniatures game Axis & Allies: War at Sea.

Event organizer Greg Smorey also offered door prizes, including AAM booster packs, trophies and Axis & Allies boardgames signed by Larry Harris. Miniatures gamers also quickly combed through the dealer's table and snatched good deals on heavy tanks, fighter planes and infantry.

"I was completely amazed at how well we did regarding the sale of minis and other miscellaneous AA items," Smorey said.

Door prizes

A number of door prizes were available, including AAM booster packs, die towers, t-shirts, and copies of Axis & Allies boardgames signed by Larry Harris.
