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Report from OrcCon 2008

CamelCase writes:

It's June 2nd. What is the deal with this picture? Make it go away Bill, or I will hurt a puppy!


Areas of Interest

World War Two in the Air

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Victory as a Campaign System

Can a WWII blockgame find happiness as a miniatures campaign system?

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Miscmini Paints AIM's 15mm Polikarpov I-16

Somehow, miscmini Fezian finds himself in the Workbench with several 15mm scale Russian WWII fighters...

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Revision Log
10 March 2008page first published

10,191 hits since 10 Mar 2008
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Wyatt the Odd Fezian writes:

In late 2007, Strategicon moved back to its former host of 15 years, the LAX Radisson. Previously, this hotel was known as the Hyatt, and later the Wyndham. For the past five or so years, the convention had been held down the street at the LAX Westin.

The advantages of the newly refurbished Radisson is that the dealer room and miniatures gaming rooms are much larger. And, despite the passage of the years, some things have not changed. The last time I attended a Strategicon, there was a Mustangs and Messerschmitts game raging in one section of the upper lobby near the flea market tables...

Mustangs and Messerschmidts

Just off the upstairs foyer is the ballroom, where open gaming and the premier game area is located. Nearly a decade ago, this area had been mostly taken up by CCG's, but those games make up only a small percentage these days. The game area was heavily occupied throughout the day and even to about 11pm on Saturday.

Open Gaming
