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Mal Wright's Akagi at Midway

bendsinister writes:

don't we know it – is there no way to turn this off in your settings?


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World War Two at Sea
World War Two in the Air

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War at Sea: Task Force Preview

Paul Glasser previews the upcoming expansion set for War at Sea.

Revision Log
15 October 2008page first published

21,506 hits since 15 Oct 2008
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Mal Wright Fezian writes:

Hot from the... Ov.... Errrrrr.... Easel!

Akagi at Midway

Japanese Carrier Akagi at Midway. Commissioned by a U.S. naval wargamer. Completed today.

I have other commissions to work on now. A U.S. carrier of the Essex class, a panorama of the battle of the Java Sea, and an Atlantic WWII subject. Some others pending.