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June Contest Winner: Hoplite Baggage Vignette

martin goddard Sponsoring Member of TMP writes:

Marvellous Phil.
I can see the sweat



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4 July 2015page first published

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Yesthatphil writes:

I should like to support the new contests initiative, and hope this baggage vignette is appropriate to the June theme of an Ancients terrain item.

The vignette is an edifice Built Up Area camp, featuring an ox cart struggling up to a Greek citadel…

Hoplite Baggage Vignette

The composition is built together on cork from a broken piece of acropolis (actually from a souvenir model bought at the acropolis in Athens on a wargame visit wink)… a railway model tree, a Donnington ox cart, some Xyston and Chariot 15mm and Steve Barber 10mm figures.

Hoplite Baggage Vignette

I used the mix of scales with the 10mm figures on the (even smaller) background edifice to get a sense of depth into what is a necessarily very compact piece.

Hoplite Baggage Vignette

The vignette has a detachable Camp Follower element… Painted by hand, of course (my usual mix of enamels, acrylics, watercolors and tinted varnish).

So this part of a Hoplite Greek DBA project has been completed ahead of the rest, due to the notice.

Here's a preview…

Army work-in-progress

So work-in-progress, although these DBA scenic camps/edifices are nice little self-contained projects in themselves.

The army is Chariot, and was won as a runner-up prize at the Alton Pairs event. The ox cart was part of the best baggage prize from the Burton Doubles.

So when completed, the army will be a complimentary addition to my display shelf, courtesy of the kind traders who support U.K. wargame events. Well done them, thumbs up!

Hoplite Baggage Vignette

Hope you like it wink… hope it's sufficiently scenic to meet the terrain theme (either way, it got me to finish something in what is becoming a very busy week).