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New Computer for Editor Dianna

Grelber writes:

I'm happy for her.



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Escaping to Paradise

Personal logo Editor Gwen The Editor of TMP has been spending time in paradise lately.

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15 October 2021page first published

3,918 hits since 15 Oct 2021
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

If there's one thing I've learned over the last few years, it's that the tropics are rough on all forms of electronics equipment. The damp, the heat, the brown-outs, even the insects – there's a form of tiny ant that seems drawn to circuitry!

So I wasn't too surprised when the laptop of Personal logo Editor Dianna The Editor of TMP died. It served for several years, but had been in 'bad health' for several months. We had a discussion about replacing it, and Personal logo Editor Dianna The Editor of TMP opted to go for a desktop computer this time.

Editor Dianna at the computer store

Here she is at the computer store.

Editor Dianna and her nephew

She brought her nephew with her. He's wearing the shield and mask required there due to the pandemic.

Editor Dianna's niece and nephew

And a niece came along too (in blue shirt).

Computer store

Another view of the computer store. The order is placed for the new computer, but she will have to come back later to collect it.

Editor Dianna at lunch

Now, what everyone has been waiting for: lunch! After all, this has been a long trip from home.

Niece and nephew

The kids are excited.


Jollibees is the McDonalds of the Philippines. Burger, fried chicken, spaghetti, fries…

Happy nephew


Computer store

On another trip, Personal logo Editor Dianna The Editor of TMP returns to pick up her computer.

Computer is ready

It's ready.


How is she going to carry all that? (Where are the kids when you need them?) grin

Computer at home

This is the computer, set up at home.

Computer at work

And she's already working on TMP. Good job!