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Visiting with Wargame Ruins


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Revision Log
4 November 2000page first published

7,096 hits since 31 Oct 2000
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Brent has located his business in a portion of the house which is almost a separate apartment, consisting of a trio of rooms linked by a hallway. Stepping out of the family kitchen - thanks for the lunch, Brent! - I step down into a sunny room which is the outer office for the company.

Wargame Ruins product display

Brent has set up a display of his company's products, as well as items from his own miniatures collection - 15mm WWII Germans and Russians. "Sadly, most of my 15's are still unpainted, a situation that I'm sure most of you can identify with," he says.

Some of the buildings are Wargame Ruins' commercial products, while others are from Brent's first experimentations with building his own scenics.
