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Playing the Kokoda Track

Uparmored writes:

Nice! The only "Commonwealth" troops at Kokoada were Aussies tho.


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Revision Log
8 October 2008page first published

10,127 hits since 8 Oct 2008
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Two years ago, I had the chance to attend my local game convention, Council of Five Nations (held that year in Colonie, New York, outside of Albany). For me, some convention trips are "working" trips, and I bring my camera and take hundreds of photos. This convention, however, was a "fun" trip, so I brought a friend and left the camera at home.

However, after the convention, I was able to get pictures of one of the games I had participated in from a fellow convention-goer: Ezekiel S. Jakub. With his permission, here are his photos with my reconstruction of that game...

Kokota Trail

The Umpire
