Almost two dozen desperate gunslingers were arrayed on the outskirts of town, armed with sixguns, rifles, scatterguns and a bloodthirsty desire to kill!
In my quest for the perfect set of Colonial rules, I have a copy of The Sword and the Flame. I know they are wildly popular here on TMP, and I'd just like your opinions on why. I've looked them over; they look to be fun, but I don't see anything really ground-breaking mechanically or room for many tactical decisions. They seem very simple. Is that the attraction? Am I missing something?
Please don't look at this message as an attack on them; it's not meant to be. As I said, always looking for a great set of rules. And with only a 2.5-3 hour window to play when we get together, maybe TSATF is just what the Doctor ordered.