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POLL: ACW Legions

The last day of voting is 18 Mar 2025.

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robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP writes:

79th, if you have enough figures, you can field all of anything. But why bother? The uniforms aren't that distinctive--if they're distinctive at all--and I can't remember any instance of an ACW "legion" actually fighting as a mixed-arms unit. That moves them so far from my Loyal Lusitanian Legion or my Black Legion of Vengeance that I can't really take them seriously.

If a legion isn't a miniature army capable of fighting a small battle, or at the very least an eye-catching uniform and a legend, what exactly is it?

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DisasterWargamer Supporting Member of TMP writes:

I have several Union and a few Confederate Legions I can field – for example, Hampton's Legion. What Civil War Legions can you field?

Poll set up by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian, based on this pre-poll discussion.