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POLL: What Book or Film Inspired You to Get Into ACW Wargaming?

The last day of voting is 15 Mar 2025.

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Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP writes:

Yes also to Featherstone, tried to use with the Marx Civil War set, then switched to Airfix when it appeared in the States.

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DisasterWargamer Supporting Member of TMP writes:

While I had relatives on both sides of the war, and my dad loved walking the ACW battlefields – I was never inclined to build miniature armies for the ACW period.

That changed when I was reading a review of the Wiley Sword book, The Confederacy's Last Hurrah. While I have found other books and articles – it was reading about his description of the Confederates going into battle at Franklin in 1864 – with a frontal assault, little support of artillery against an entrenched Union Army. Later making multiple assaults – knowing that the prospects weren't good for survival. Yet they charged…

That book inspired me to learn more about the ACW in many facets.

What was the book or film that inspired you to begin to build an army?

Poll set up by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian, based on this pre-poll discussion.