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"Your dog’s brain doesn’t care about your face" Topic

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620 hits since 21 Oct 2020
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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP22 Oct 2020 12:18 p.m. PST

"Lots of dog owners love to gaze at their pups' faces. But that fascination may be a one-way street, at least in the brain. Dogs' brains aren't especially impressed by faces, either those of other dogs, or of people, a new study suggests.

People's brains are exquisitely tuned into faces, and the wealth of information that expressions can convey. Whether other animals' brains are as vigilant to faces is an open question.

Researchers in Hungary and Mexico used brain-scanning technology on 20 pet dogs to measure responses to faces. The dogs were trained to lie still in a sphynx position inside an MRI tube, resting their head on a chin rest while watching a screen. The scientists played four types of two-second video clips for the dogs to view: the front or back of a human head, and the front or back of a dog head. Thirty human volunteers in MRI machines saw the same short videos…"
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