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"Wargaming, being a vet, and economics" Topic

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892 hits since 19 Oct 2019
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Tgunner20 Oct 2019 11:43 a.m. PST

Hi guys,

Here's an invite to take a look at a blog I've set up. It's about personal economics from the point-of-view of a veteran and gamer. I'm still putting the pieces of my life back together and I'm sharing what I've learned, and I hope to learn from you guys too. Lots of wisdom out there in TMP land, so come on over and share your thoughts on money with me.


Tacitus22 Oct 2019 8:29 a.m. PST

Randall, I didn't pay attention in Econ class either. I was in a college personal finance class for 2 and 1/2 hours (out of a semester) before dropping. Now I teach economics in high school. I wish there was a way to convince people that they need only a few basic understandings to make their own financial decisions more sound. I have had similar struggles to yours and conversations often turn to "if I knew then what I know now…" I applaud your efforts and hope that you reach at least one starfish (the story of the hundreds of starfish stranded on the beach where a guy throws one back into the ocean and the other guy says that there are too many to help and the guy who threw says that at least he helped that one). Congrats on your town home, too. All the best.

Asteroid X26 Oct 2019 9:13 a.m. PST

I read through your page and it's a great start!

It's well written and being personal has far more impact than any third person narrative.

Teacher, here too. Not wealthy and none of my family have been either, since the Depression (the one in the '30s).

I'm definitely looking forward to see where you take this.

For some potential extra coin, think about eventually putting this all together for a lesson plan / unit on some site like Teachers Pay Teachers.

I think the trend of the moment (ie STEM) get most of the hits, but a little research into what sells on there and why could go s long way.

Start small and work bigger – a book down the road might be something (not purely about economics but about your life journey with a focus/emphasis on economics to get your real message of importance out (I'm not sure how many people want to buy a book on economics but people love good stories that are heart captivating and wrenching at the same time).

Just a couple cents.

Mithmee14 Feb 2020 2:15 p.m. PST

Yes trying to combine this Hobby along with raising a family and getting ahead is not easy.

Now I spent 21 years after High School working for Uncle Sam (96B – Intelligence Analyst) oh along that way I married my very lovely wife (this year will be our 40th) and had two daughters.

Retired back in July 1997 and completed my college degree (Finance Degree).

Now I am getting close to retiring again (within the next 15-18 months) from my current job (Finance Analyst for a major Manufacture).

I am well off that if I wanted to I could buy GW miniatures, but have no desire to.

The key to success is to make the right decision as you go through life.

Asteroid X14 Feb 2020 3:01 p.m. PST

Congratulations- on both the 40 years and retirement.

I was talking with the guy at the cell phone carrier's shop and he noted my Citadel miniatures app and we got talking.

He was shocked at the inexpensive price for historical miniatures compared to GW. His mouth literally fell open.

I always wait for sales. I've never needed a miniature so bad I couldn't shop around or wait.

Wanting is a different story, but some semblance of self-denial makes a person stronger and makes you realize they are just material items. (But so beautifully sculpted! Little miniature statues. Works of art)

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