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1,304 hits since 1 Jul 2012
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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kreoseus201 Jul 2012 12:08 a.m. PST

Hi Guys

What movie would you love to see made, any setting or genre.
I can be a movie of your favourite book or just an action flick set in your favourite conflict.

I would love to see a decent film based on Alexander the great or Hannibal. The Alexander films so far have been twaddle, and I have yet to see a proper film based on Hannibal. The best Hannibal I have seen was the drama-doc with Alexander Siddig.


britishlinescarlet201 Jul 2012 2:27 a.m. PST

The Lensman Series by EE Doc Smith, would pay top dollar for that!

Stronty Girl Fezian01 Jul 2012 4:07 a.m. PST

The Kraken Wakes or The Chrysalids by John Wyndham. Though they'd be better as a TV mini-series.

Something about the Night Witches or the White Rose of Stalingrad (Lydia Litvyak) link

skippy000101 Jul 2012 5:01 a.m. PST

Space 1889
Twilight 2000
Crimson Skies
Rome vs Pyrrhus and/or Carthage
Castle Falkenstein

Tactics of Mistake(Dorsai series)


All the TV shows and miniseries they cancelled that I really liked.

Conan done like 300.


A movie about a TMP-er going Pollstal…

Who asked this joker01 Jul 2012 6:19 a.m. PST

More John Carter films to at least round out a Trilogy

Any sort of historical film that is at least close to history.

John the OFM01 Jul 2012 6:53 a.m. PST

Here we go again. Three hour epics on the Battle of Murfreesboro. Spare no expense!
We will always gripe that:
The biographical movie left out Granicus or Lake Trasimene.
That Scipio's father was not that tall.
That the T34s were using the wrong wheels for Stalingrad.
That the 71st Highlanders would wear a different colored sporran.

As for me, I am no different and I will always gripe that they did not use Jennifer Aniston for Wyoming Knott, and will make Keanu Reaves Manny. They will ignore the politics and the family structures.
They will cast Justin Bieber as Ender.


You know something? I am softening my dismissal of wargamers as Hollywood Moghuls. The experts can certainly screw things up and lose billions. Why not give us a shot at it? What could possibly go wrong? Could we lose even more money? They have set a pretty high bar for that.

Space Monkey01 Jul 2012 7:56 a.m. PST

I'd like to have seen 'At The Mountains Of Madness' the way Guillermo del Toro wanted to make it… sans Tom Cruise and other nonsense.

I'd like to see David Lynch team up with David Cronenberg and go on a bender remaking old 50's B-movies like 'The Creeping Terror' and 'The Beast From Haunted Cave'.

Lee Brilleaux Fezian01 Jul 2012 9:12 a.m. PST

I want to see movies made by wargamers, for wargamers. They'd spend most of the budget on exact replicas of uniforms and AFVs, feature fat guys with glasses in all the main roles, and have plot and dialogue written by engineers.

John the OFM01 Jul 2012 9:36 a.m. PST

The women would be redheads wearing corsets.


Here you go John.

Lee Brilleaux Fezian01 Jul 2012 9:55 a.m. PST

Yeah, but they'd be fat women from the RenFaire wearing corsets and big, concealing skirts.

Just sayin'.


Not that one!


here's the red hair.


John the OFM01 Jul 2012 11:35 a.m. PST

I want to see movies made by wargamers, for wargamers… and have plot and dialogue written by engineers.

WRG to replace MGM? And, if you don't like the ending, or can't figure out what just happened, "The Battle of Cannae 2.1" will have revised dialog.

John the OFM01 Jul 2012 11:39 a.m. PST

Actually, THIS is what happens when wargamers are in creative control.

At least, if I were in charge.
Fat bearded guy with glasses… thumbs up
Warhammer 40K player…thumbs up


That was great John!

Sane Max02 Jul 2012 5:19 a.m. PST

I'd like to have seen 'At The Mountains Of Madness' the way Guillermo del Toro wanted to make it… sans Tom Cruise and other nonsense.

Sadly, not gonna happen any time soon after Prometheus nicked many of its fundamentals.


richarDISNEY02 Jul 2012 8:15 a.m. PST

Crimson Skies
A GOOD movie from the book The Keep
another Shadow flick
One based on Disneyland's Jungle Cruise!
Timothy Zahn's Star Wars Thrawn series.

kyoteblue02 Jul 2012 12:12 p.m. PST

Tarzan with Tom Cruise…

Sane Max03 Jul 2012 4:12 a.m. PST

Isn't he a little small to play a Chimp?

Or were you thinking about Jane?


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