Painting Services Directory

While some would argue that painting figures is an integral part of the miniature wargaming hobby, others would disagree:

  • not everyone has the time to paint
  • not all gamers want to be painters
  • some wish to possess an army - or a key figure - painted to a higher standard than they feel that they can achieve on their own

A Painting Service is an individual or company which paints miniatures for a fee. Some services will provide the figures, or paint only specific types of figures - others will paint whatever you send them. Many services specialize in a particular scale, or a specific subject matter, or in a style of painting.

For information on how to be listed in this directory, visit the Painting Services FAQ Page.

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Fantasy | Historical | Science Fiction

Arabs as painted by Rather Nice

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521,431 hits since 16 Sep 2001
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout