Half-Orc With Warhammer

Genre Fantasy
Race Half-Orc
General Description Scowling ape-like half-orc with a warhammer in each hand.
Clothing/Armor Room for interpretation here. My first opinion is that he's wearing leather armor on his torso; my second opinion is that he's in bare skin, wearing "arm pit" rings and with a natural ridge down his back. Large cloth or leather flap over rear end. Straps hang down his legs, or might be exotic armor. Knee-high boots with large cuffs. Arms bare, except that the right arm has an elbow protector or leather glove. Open-face helmet with ridge on top.
Weapons Primitive-looking warhammers, essentially stones with handles inserted through. Left arm is raised, almost ready to strike; right arm is at rest.
Details Wide, squashed nose. Either has slight snout, big lips/mouth. Very ape-like.
Imperfections Seam can be seen on right arm (more noticeable on some figures than others), also on left side. Some of our sample figures had minor flash inside legs or around the left-hand hammer.
Scale 15mm
Height 20mm
Composition Pewter

Last Updates
3 May 1996reformatted
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