Half-Orc Standardbearer

Genre Fantasy
Race Half-Orc
General Description Half-orc in horned helmet holding pole with triangular emblem.
Clothing/Armor Unusual chainmail shirt with armor attachment: a shoulder/collar piece (plate or leather) and a wide belt, which attach in the middle of the chest and back. Short kilt, cloth or leather. Bare legs, knee-high boots, knee protectors, and leggings (leather or plate). Arms base. Oval, featureless shield on left arm. Horned helmet with plume of fur or feathers down back.
Weapons None.
Details The standard consists of a pole with crossbar, supporting a featureless triangular banner. The standard is capped with a fur or feather plume (which you might be able to paint as a human head). The half- orn has a wide, squashed nose, and either thick lips or a slight snout.
Imperfections The delicate standard seems to be difficult to mold. One of our samples had a broken pole, easily fixed by gluing the broken parts together; another had a gap in the pole where it failed to cast properly. (Fortunately, our experience is that the manufacturer will replace any defective castings you might receive.) You'll want to sand or file the seam on the shield (easily done). There is a visible seam on the left leg and arm, and some of our samples had crotch flash.
Scale 15mm
Height 33mm
Composition Pewter

Last Updates
3 May 1996reformatted
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