Small Griffon

Genre Fantasy
Race Griffon
General Description Monster with the rear parts of a lion, and the foreparts of an eagle.
Details Rear half of the creature is lion-like. The chest, shoulders and forelegs are leonine in shape, but covered with feathers; the right foreleg ends in a talon. The head is eagle-like, and smaller than a lion's head would be on this body. Left foreleg is raised as if to strike.
Assembly Notes The left and right wings are separate pieces, and appear to be identical. A small pin on the wing matches a small hole on the main body, and is useful in lining up the wings (though the pin is too small to help fasten the wing on). I found the best fit on the right wing by attaching it with about a 45 degree upward angle; the left wing fit best when angled just a little above horizontal (your mileage may vary). Though I could get a good fit along the top seam, there were gaps at the bottom of both wings -- you may want to fill these gaps, or just paint over them and hope nobody looks.
Options The wing attachments are fairly fragile. You may wish to reinforce them by drilling holes and inserting stiff wire, though the small size of the wings may make this a tricky operation. If you are ambitious, try to trim some of the metal from inside of the left claw (it currently looks as though the griffon is holding a rock in its claw); for a simpler solution, shade the extra material in a darker color that won't be seen, or paint it as more "blood and gore."
Imperfections The top seam is just barely visible; cleaning it up on the "lion" part is easy, but in the "feathered" part you may want to fix the seam with paint rather than try to remove it. Double seam visible on "lion" belly. Not sure what the scultor intended with the eagle's beak: there is some material hanging from the lower beak, which could be (a) sprue to be trimmed, (b) blood and gore dripping from the mouth, or (c) the griffon's tongue. There is a sculpted lump on the base beneath the left foreleg, which you might want to trim off or paint as part of the terrain.
Scale 15mm
Height 37mm (depending on how you mount the wings)
Composition Pewter

Last Updates
12 May 1996reformatted
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